Sec. 45a-693. (Formerly Sec. 45-78s). Hearing. Notice.
Sec. 45a-693. (Formerly Sec. 45-78s). Hearing. Notice. Upon such application
for a determination of ability to give informed consent, such court shall assign a time,
not later than thirty days thereafter, and a place for hearing such application. Any hearing
held under this section shall be pursuant to sections 51-72 and 51-73. Notwithstanding
the provisions of section 45a-7, the court may hold the hearing on said application at a
place within the state other than the usual courtroom if it would facilitate the presence of
the respondent. Such court shall cause a citation and notice to be served on the following
parties at least seven days prior to such hearing date. (1) The court shall direct personal
service be made by a state marshal, constable or indifferent person upon the respondent
and if the respondent is in a hospital, nursing home, state school or some other institution,
in addition to the respondent, upon the chief executive, officer or administrator in such
hospital, nursing home, state school or other institution. (2) The court shall order such
notice as it directs to the following: (A) The parents of the respondent, if any, (B) the
spouse of the respondent, if any, (C) the siblings of such applicant, if any, if the respondent has no living parents, (D) the Office of Protection and Advocacy for Persons with
Disabilities, and (E) such other persons as the court may determine have interest in the
(P.A. 79-543, S. 4, 14; P.A. 82-199, S. 2; P.A. 00-99, S. 88, 154; P.A. 01-195, S. 29, 181.)
History: P.A. 82-199 required that hearings be held pursuant to Secs. 51-72 and 51-73; Sec. 45-78s transferred to Sec.
45a-693 in 1991; P.A. 00-99 replaced reference to sheriff and deputy sheriff with state marshal, effective December 1,
2000; P.A. 01-195 made technical changes, effective July 11, 2001.