Sec. 42a-5-119. Savings clause.
Sec. 42a-5-119. Savings clause. A transaction arising out of or associated with a
letter of credit that was issued before October 1, 1996, and the rights, obligations and
interests flowing from that transaction are governed by any statute or other law amended
or repealed by public act 96-198* as if repeal or amendment had not occurred and may
be terminated, completed, consummated or enforced under that statute or other law.
(P.A. 96-198, S. 27.)
*Note: Public act 96-198 is entitled "An Act Revising Article 5 of the Uniform Commercial Code Concerning Letters
of Credit". (See Reference Table captioned "Public Acts of 1996" in Volume 16 which lists the sections amended, created
or repealed by the act.)