Sec. 4-230. Definitions.
Sec. 4-230. Definitions. As used in sections 4-230 to 4-236, inclusive:
(1) "Cognizant agency" means a state agency which is assigned by the secretary the
responsibility for implementing the requirements of sections 4-230 to 4-236, inclusive;
(2) "Secretary" means the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management;
(3) "State financial assistance" means assistance that a nonstate entity receives or
administers which is provided by a state agency or pass-through entity in the form
of grants, contracts, loans, loan guarantees, property, cooperative agreements, interest
subsidies, insurance or direct appropriations, but does not include direct state cash assistance to individuals or payments to a vendor;
(4) "State agency" means any department, board, commission, institution or other
agency of the state;
(5) "Generally accepted accounting principles" has the meaning specified in the
generally accepted auditing standards issued by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA);
(6) "Generally accepted government auditing standards" (GAGAS) means the generally accepted government auditing standards issued by the Comptroller General of
the United States that are applicable to financial audits;
(7) "Independent auditor" means a public accountant who is licensed to practice in
the state and meets the independence standards included in generally accepted government auditing standards;
(8) "Internal controls" means a process, effected by an entity's board of directors,
management and other personnel, designed to provide reasonable assurance regarding
the achievement of objectives in: (A) Reliability of financial reporting, (B) effectiveness
and efficiency of operations and (C) compliance with applicable laws and regulations;
(9) "Municipality" means a town, consolidated town and city, consolidated town
and borough, city or borough, including a local board of education as described in subsection (c) of section 7-392;
(10) "Audited agency" means a fire district, fire and sewer district, sewer district
or other municipal utility, the Metropolitan District of Hartford County, a regional board
of education, a regional planning agency, any other political subdivision of similar character which is created or any other agency created or designated by a municipality to
act for such municipality whose average annual receipts from all sources exceed two
hundred thousand dollars or any tourism district established under section 10-397;
(11) "Nonprofit agency" means any organization that is not a for-profit business
and provides services contracted for by (A) the state or (B) a nonstate entity. It also
means private institutions of higher learning which receive state financial assistance;
(12) "Major state program" means any program, excluding an exempt program, for
which total expenditures of state financial assistance by a nonstate entity during the
applicable year exceed the larger of (A) one hundred thousand dollars or (B) one per
cent of the total amount of state financial assistance expended, excluding expenditures
of an exempt program by the nonstate entity during the audited year;
(13) "Public accountant" means an individual who meets the standards included in
generally accepted government auditing standards for personnel performing government audits and the licensing requirements of the State Board of Accountancy;
(14) "Subrecipient" means a nonstate entity that receives state financial assistance
from a pass-through entity, but does not include an individual who receives such assistance;
(15) "Tourism district" means a district established under section 10-397;
(16) "Nonstate entity" means a municipality, tourism district, audited agency or
nonprofit agency;
(17) "Pass-through entity" means a nonstate entity that provides state financial assistance to a subrecipient;
(18) "Program-specific audit" means an audit of a single state program conducted
in accordance with the regulations adopted under section 4-236;
(19) "Expended" and "expenditures" have the meanings attributed to those terms
in generally accepted accounting principles, except that (A) state financial assistance
received which does not specify a required use shall be assumed to be fully expended
in the fiscal year of receipt, and (B) exempt programs shall be assumed to be expended
in the fiscal year that the state financial assistance is received;
(20) "Exempt program" means any of the following programs: Education cost sharing, pursuant to sections 10-262f to 10-262j, inclusive; public and nonpublic school
pupil transportation, pursuant to sections 10-54, 10-97, 10-266m, 10-273a, 10-277 and
10-281; special education, excess costs equity and excess costs student-based, pursuant
to subsection (e) of section 10-76d, subsections (a), (b) and (c) of section 10-76g and
section 10-253; school building grants-principal and interest subsidy, pursuant to chapter 173 and section 10-264h; and school construction grants pursuant to public act 97-265 and public act 97-11 of the June 18 Special Session*; and
(21) "Vendor" means a dealer, distributor, merchant or other seller providing goods
or services that are required for the conduct of a state program. Such goods or services
may be for an organization's own use or for the use of beneficiaries of the state program.
(P.A. 91-401, S. 1, 20; P.A. 97-238, S. 5; P.A. 98-143, S. 17, 24; P.A. 00-66, S. 9; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 233, 234.)
*Note: Public act 97-265 is entitled "An Act Concerning Authorization of State Grant Commitments for School Building
Projects and Clarification and Separation of the Grant and Bond Program for School Building Projects and the Grant and
Bond Program for Interest Payment Subsidies" and public act 97-11 of the June 18 special session is entitled "An Act
Concerning Computerized Information Sharing, the Mashantucket Pequot and Mohegan Fund, Early Retirement, School
Construction, State Buildings, Nursing Homes, Executive and Legislative Councils, Commissions and Task Forces, Appropriations for the Fiscal Years Ending June 30, 1997, 1998 and 1999, Spring and Well Water Collection, Project Concern,
Notice Requirements for Psychiatric Admissions, the Tax on Net Direct Subscriber Charges of Health Care Centers,
Elimination of Certain Wage Inequities, Sheriffs' Fees and Expenses of the Connecticut Siting Council". (See Reference
Tables captioned "Public Acts of 1997" and "Public Acts of June 18, 1997", respectively, in Volume 16 which list the
sections amended, created or repealed by the acts.)
History: P.A. 97-238 redefined "audited agency" to include tourism districts; P.A. 98-143 revised definitions in Subdivs.
(3), (5) to (8), inclusive, and (11) to (14), inclusive, and added new Subdivs. (15) to (21), inclusive, defining "tourism
district", "nonstate entity", "pass-through entity", "program-specific audit", "expended" and "expenditures", "exempt
program" and "vendor", effective June 4, 1998, and applicable to audits conducted for fiscal years commencing on and
after July 1, 1998; P.A. 00-66 made a technical change in Subdiv. (19); June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6 amended Subdivs.
(10) and (15) to change section reference for "tourism district", effective August 20, 2003.