Sec. 4-12. Removal of officers and commissioners.
Sec. 4-12. Removal of officers and commissioners. Whenever the Governor is
of the opinion that any such officer, commissioner or deputy has been or is guilty of
misconduct, material neglect of duty or incompetence in the conduct of his office, he
shall transmit all facts and information in his possession relating thereto to the Attorney
General, who shall thereupon make such investigation as he deems proper, and shall
prepare a statement in writing of the charges against such officer, commissioner or
deputy, together with a citation, in the name of the state, commanding him to appear
before the Governor at a date named therein and show cause, if any there be, why he
should not be removed from office as hereinafter provided. The Attorney General shall
cause a copy of such statement and citation to be served, by some proper officer or
indifferent person, upon such officer, commissioner or deputy and shall cause a copy
thereof, together with a return of the service by the officer or indifferent person making
the same endorsed thereon, to be filed in the office of the Secretary. Such officer, commissioner or deputy shall have the right to appear with counsel and witnesses and be
fully heard. To carry into effect the proceeding authorized by this section, the Attorney
General shall have power to summon witnesses, require the production of any necessary
books, papers or other documents and administer oaths to witnesses, and, upon the day
named in such citation for the appearance of such officer, commissioner or deputy or
at any adjourned date fixed by the Governor, shall appear and conduct the hearing in
behalf of the state. He shall cause all oral evidence submitted at such hearing to be
reported by a competent stenographer and for such purpose may employ such stenographer at the expense of the state, and, within fifteen days after the close of any such
hearing, he shall cause a certified copy of such evidence to be filed with the Secretary.
After a full hearing of all the evidence offered by the Attorney General and by or in
behalf of any such officer, commissioner or deputy, the Governor shall make a written
statement of the facts which he finds to have been proven, and shall, within a reasonable
time, file a copy of such finding, duly attested by him, with the Secretary. If the Governor
finds that the evidence warrants the removal of such officer, commissioner or deputy
from office, he shall make a written order to that effect, and shall cause a copy thereof
to be left with or at the usual place of abode of such officer, commissioner or deputy
and shall also file a copy thereof with the Secretary. Upon the filing of such copy with
the Secretary, the office held by such officer, commissioner or deputy shall become
vacant, and the Governor shall thereupon proceed to fill or cause to be filled such vacancy
in the manner provided by law. Any witness summoned and any officer or indifferent
person making service under the provisions of this section shall be allowed and paid by
the state the same fees as are allowed by law in criminal prosecutions.
(1949 Rev., S. 94; 1961, P.A. 517, S. 84; 1969, P.A. 481, S. 5.)
History: 1961 act deleted county commissioners; 1969 act replaced specific references to deputy commissioner with
more general "deputy".
See Sec. 4-12a re limitation on Governor's power to remove administrative officers.