Sec. 38a-993. (Formerly Sec. 38-518). Penalties.
Sec. 38a-993. (Formerly Sec. 38-518). Penalties. (a) In any case where a hearing
pursuant to section 38a-990 results in the finding of a negligent violation of sections
38a-975 to 38a-998, inclusive, the commissioner may, in addition to the issuance of a
cease and desist order as prescribed in section 38a-992, order payment of a penalty of
not more than two thousand dollars for each violation but not to exceed twenty thousand
dollars in the aggregate for multiple violations.
(b) (1) In any case where a hearing pursuant to section 38a-990 results in the finding
of an intentional violation of sections 38a-975 to 38a-998, inclusive, the commissioner
may, in addition to the issuance of a cease and desist order as prescribed in section 38a-992, order payment of a penalty of not more than five thousand dollars for each violation
but not to exceed fifty thousand dollars in the aggregate for multiple violations.
(2) In any case where a hearing pursuant to section 38a-990 results in the finding
of an intentional violation of section 38a-988a, the commissioner may, in addition to
the issuance of a cease and desist order as prescribed in section 38a-992, order payment
of a penalty of not more than twenty thousand dollars for each violation but not to exceed
one hundred thousand dollars in the aggregate for multiple violations.
(c) Any person who violates a cease and desist order of the commissioner under
section 38a-992 may, after notice and hearing and upon order of the commissioner, be
subject to one or more of the following, at the discretion of the commissioner: (1) A
penalty of not more than twenty thousand dollars for each violation; or (2) a penalty of
not more than one hundred thousand dollars if the commissioner finds that violations
have occurred with such frequency as to indicate a general business practice; or (3)
suspension or revocation of an insurance institution's or agent's license.
(P.A. 81-368, S. 19, 25; P.A. 97-99, S. 23; P.A. 99-284, S. 23, 60.)
History: Sec. 38-518 transferred to Sec. 38a-993 in 1991; P.A. 97-99 amended Subsec. (a) to increase penalty from
$500 to $2,000 and limit maximum to $20,000 rather than $10,000; P.A. 99-284 amended Subsec. (a) to substitute "a
negligent violation" for "an intentional violation" re sections 38a-975 to 38a-998, inclusive, inserted new Subdiv. (b)(1)
re an intentional violation of said sections, inserted new Subdiv. (b)(2) re an intentional violation of Sec. 38a-988a, redesignated former Subsec. (b) as (c), amended Subdiv. (c)(1) to substitute $20,000 for $10,000 re penalty for each violation
and amended Subdiv. (c)(2) to substitute $100,000 for $50,000 re penalty for violations that indicate a general business
practice, effective July 1, 2000.