Sec. 38a-9. (Formerly Sec. 38-4b). Divisions of Consumer Affairs and Rate Review. Duties. Annual reports by commissioner. Arbitration procedure.
Sec. 38a-9. (Formerly Sec. 38-4b). Divisions of Consumer Affairs and Rate
Review. Duties. Annual reports by commissioner. Arbitration procedure. (a) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4-8, there shall be a Division of Consumer Affairs
within the Insurance Department, which division shall act on the Insurance Commissioner's behalf and at his direction in order to carry out his responsibilities under this title
with respect to such matters. The division shall receive and review complaints from
residents of this state concerning their insurance problems, including claims disputes,
and serve as a mediator in such disputes in order to assist the commissioner in determining whether statutory requirements and contractual obligations within the commissioner's jurisdiction have been fulfilled. There shall be a director of said division, who shall
be provided with sufficient staff. The division shall serve to coordinate all appropriate
facilities in the department in addressing such complaints, and conduct any outreach
programs deemed necessary to properly inform and educate the public on insurance
matters. The director shall submit quarterly reports to the commissioner, which shall
state the number of complaints received by the division in such calendar quarter, the
Connecticut premium volume of the appropriate line of each insurance company against
which a complaint has been filed, the types of complaints received, and the number of
such complaints which have been resolved. Such reports shall be published every six
months and copies shall be made available to any interested resident of this state upon
request. The commissioner shall report to the joint standing committee of the General
Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to insurance on or before January 15,
1988, and annually thereafter, concerning the findings of such reports and suggestions
for legislative initiatives to address recurring problems.
(b) (1) The Division of Consumer Affairs shall provide an independent arbitration
procedure for the settlement of disputes between claimants and insurance companies
concerning automobile physical damage and automobile property damage liability
claims in which liability and coverage are not in dispute. Such procedure shall apply
only to disputes involving private passenger motor vehicles as defined in subsection
(e) of section 38a-363. Any company licensed to write private passenger automobile
insurance, including collision, comprehensive and theft, in this state shall participate in
the arbitration procedure. The commissioner shall appoint an administrator for such
procedure. Only those disputes in which attempts at mediation by the Division of Consumer Affairs have failed shall be accepted as arbitrable. The referral of the complaint
to arbitration shall be made by the Insurance Department examiner who investigated
the complaint. Each party to the dispute shall pay a filing fee of twenty dollars. The
insurance company shall pay the consumer the undisputed amount of the claim upon
written notification from the department that the complaint has been referred to arbitration. Such payment shall not affect any right of the consumer to pursue the disputed
amount of the claim.
(2) The commissioner shall prepare a list of at least ten persons, who have not been
employed by the department or an insurance company during the preceding twelve
months, to serve as arbitrators in the settlement of such disputes. The arbitrators shall
be members of any dispute resolution organization approved by the commissioner. One
arbitrator shall be appointed to hear and decide each complaint. Appointment shall be
based solely on the order of the list. If an arbitrator is unable to serve on a given day,
or if either party objects to the arbitrator, then the next arbitrator on the list will be
selected. The department shall schedule arbitration hearings as often, and in such locations, as it deems necessary. Parties to the dispute shall be provided written notice of
the hearing, at least ten days prior to the hearing date. The commissioner may issue
subpoenas on behalf of the arbitrator to compel the attendance of witnesses and the
production of documents, papers and records relevant to the dispute. Decisions shall be
made on the basis of the evidence presented at the arbitration hearing. Where the arbitrator believes that technical expertise is necessary to decide a case, he may consult with
an independent expert recommended by the commissioner. The arbitrator and any independent technical expert shall be paid by the department on a per dispute basis as established by the commissioner. The arbitrator, as expeditiously as possible, but not later
than fifteen days after the arbitration hearing, shall render a written decision based on
the information gathered and disclose the findings and the reasons to the parties involved.
The arbitrator shall award filing fees to the prevailing party. If the decision favors the
consumer the decision shall provide specific and appropriate remedies including interest
at the rate of ten per cent on the arbitration award concerning the disputed amount of
the claim, retroactive to the date of payment for the undisputed amount of the claim.
The decision may include costs for loss of use and storage of the motor vehicle and shall
specify a date for performance and completion of all awarded remedies. Notwithstanding
any provision of the general statutes or any regulation to the contrary, the Insurance
Department shall not amend, reverse, rescind, or revoke any decision or action of any
arbitrator. The department shall contact the consumer within ten working days after the
date for performance, to determine whether performance has occurred. Either party may
make application to the superior court for the judicial district in which one of the parties
resides or, when the court is not in session, any judge thereof for an order confirming,
vacating, modifying or correcting any award, in accordance with the provisions of sections 52-417, 52-418, 52-419 and 52-420. If it is determined by the court that either
party's position after review has been improved by at least ten per cent over that party's
position after arbitration, the court, in its discretion, may grant to that party its costs
and reasonable attorney's fees. No evidence, testimony, findings, or decision from the
department arbitration procedure shall be admissible in any civil proceeding, except
judicial review of the arbitrator's decision as contemplated by this subsection.
(3) The department shall maintain records of each dispute, including names of parties to the arbitration, the decision of the arbitrator, compliance, the appeal, if any, and
the decision of the court. The department shall annually compile such statistics and send
a copy to the committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating
to insurance. The report shall be considered a public document.
(c) Notwithstanding the provisions of section 4-8, there shall be a Division of Rate
Review within the Insurance Department, which division shall act on the commissioner's behalf and at the commissioner's direction in order to carry out the commissioner's
responsibilities under this title with respect to such matters. Subject to the provisions
of sections 38a-663 to 38a-696, inclusive, the division shall assist the commissioner
in reviewing rates and supplementary rate information filed with the department for
compliance with statutory requirements and standards. The division's staff shall include
rating examiners with sufficient actuarial expertise. Upon the request of the commissioner, the division shall review rates and supplementary rate information, and any
suspected violation of the statutory requirements and standards of sections 38a-663 to
38a-696, inclusive, found pursuant to such review shall be referred to the commissioner
for appropriate action. The division may assist the commissioner in formalizing the
commissioner's findings regarding such actions. The commissioner shall report to the
joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating
to insurance on or before January 15, 1988, and annually thereafter, concerning (1) the
number and type of reviews conducted by the division in the prior calendar year, and
(2) the percentage of increase or decrease in rates reviewed by the division during the
preceding calendar year, by line and subline of insurance.
(d) The directors and staff of both the Division of Consumer Affairs and the Division
of Rate Review shall be appointed by the commissioner under the provisions of chapter 67.
(P.A. 87-515, S. 1, 4; P.A. 88-326, S. 9, 11; P.A. 96-227, S. 1; P.A. 99-145, S. 2, 23; P.A. 01-174, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 88-326 required the Connecticut premium volume of the line of each insurance company against which
a complaint has been filed to be stated in quarterly reports to the commissioner, required reports from the director to be
published and made available every six months, and inserted a new Subsec. (b) establishing an arbitration procedure for
automobile damage claims, relettering existing Subsecs. as necessary, effective July 1, 1989; Sec. 38-4b transferred to
Sec. 38a-9 in 1991; (Revisor's note: In 1997 a reference in Subsec. (b)(2) to "Department of Insurance" was changed
editorially by the Revisors to "Insurance Department" for consistency with customary statutory usage); P.A. 96-227
amended Subsec. (c) to delete the requirement that the division director be a member of the American Academy of Actuaries;
P.A. 99-145 amended Subsec. (b) to substitute "subsection (e) of section 38a-363" for "subsection (g) of section 38a-363",
effective June 8, 1999; P.A. 01-174 deleted Subsec. (c)(3) re reports to the General Assembly concerning filed rates found
to be a suspected violation of statutory requirements and standards, substituted references to Sec. 38a-696 for references
to Sec. 38a-697, and made technical changes for purposes of gender neutrality.