Sec. 36a-680. (Formerly Sec. 36-398). Effect of inconsistent law.
Sec. 36a-680. (Formerly Sec. 36-398). Effect of inconsistent law. (a) If the commissioner finds that the requirements of any other law of this state relating to the disclosure of information in connection with consumer credit transactions are inconsistent
with the provisions of sections 36a-675 to 36a-685, inclusive, or regulations adopted
thereunder, the commissioner may exempt creditors who comply with said sections
from compliance with such inconsistent law. For purposes of this subsection, disclosure
statutes are inconsistent if both require disclosure of the same information even though
the prescribed definition, method of calculation or manner of expression is different
and, in case of such conflict or inconsistency, the provisions of sections 36a-675 to 36a-685, inclusive, shall control, provided sections 36a-746b to 36a-746g, inclusive, shall
not be deemed inconsistent with the provisions of sections 36a-675 to 36a-685, inclusive,
and shall control where applicable.
(b) In any action or proceeding in any court involving a consumer credit sale, the
disclosure of an annual percentage rate required by sections 36a-675 to 36a-685, inclusive, may not be received as evidence that the sale was a loan or any type of transaction
other than a credit sale, and in any consumer credit transaction, the disclosure of an
annual percentage rate required by said sections shall not in itself indicate that a transaction is usurious or that the rate of charge exceeds a statutory ceiling.
(1969, P.A. 454, S. 6; P.A. 81-158, S. 5, 17; P.A. 82-18, S. 2, 4; 82-472, S. 115, 183; P.A. 94-122, S. 306, 340; P.A.
01-34, S. 12.)
History: P.A. 81-158 deleted references to Secs. 36-97a, 36-235, 36-236, 36-254(c), 42-83(2)(d), 42-84, 42-87, 42-90
and 42-99, effective March 31, 1982; P.A. 82-18 changed effective date of P.A. 81-158 from March 31, 1982, to "the
effective date of Title VI of Public Law 96-221, as contained in Section 625(a) of Public Law 96-221, as amended", i.e.
October 1, 1982; P.A. 82-472 made technical grammatical change in Subsec. (a); P.A. 94-122 made technical changes,
effective January 1, 1995; Sec. 36-398 transferred to Sec. 36a-680 in 1995; P.A. 01-34 amended Subsec. (a) by changing
"shall by regulation exempt" to "may exempt" and added provision re applicability of Secs. 36a-746b to 36a-746g.