Sec. 36a-237f. Procedures re filing claims against the estate of trust banks and uninsured banks in receivership. Judgment. Appeal. Payment of claims.
Sec. 36a-237f. Procedures re filing claims against the estate of trust banks and
uninsured banks in receivership. Judgment. Appeal. Payment of claims. (a) To
receive payment of a claim against the estate of a trust bank or uninsured bank in receivership, a person who has a claim, other than a shareholder acting in that capacity, including
a claimant with a secured claim or a fiduciary claimant ordered by the receiver to file
a proof of claim under subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of section 36a-225, shall present
proof of the claim to the receiver at a place specified by the receiver, within the period
specified by the receiver. Receipt of the required proof of claim by the receiver is a
condition precedent to the payment of the claim. A claim that is not filed within the
period or at the place specified by the receiver may not participate in a distribution of
the assets by the receiver, except that, subject to court approval, the receiver may accept
a claim filed not later than the one-hundred-eightieth day after the date notice of the
claimant's right to file a proof of claim is mailed to the claimant, provided such claim
shall be subordinate to an approved claim of a general creditor. Interest does not accrue
on any claim after the date the bank is placed in receivership. The provisions of this
subsection shall not apply to a fiduciary claimant or depositor where the records of the
bank in receivership are sufficient to identify the fiduciary claimant's or depositor's
(b) (1) The proof of claim against a trust bank or an uninsured bank shall be in
writing, be signed by the claimant, and include: (A) A statement of the claim; (B) a
description of the consideration for the claim; (C) a statement of whether collateral is
held or a security interest is asserted against the claim and, if so, a description of the
collateral or security interest; (D) a statement of any right of priority of payment for the
claim or other specific right asserted by the claimant; (E) a statement of whether a
payment has been made on the claim and, if so, the amount and source of the payment,
to the extent known by the claimant; (F) a statement that the amount claimed is justly
owed by the bank to the claimant; and (G) any other matter that is required by the
Superior Court.
(2) The receiver may designate the form of the proof of claim. A proof of claim
shall be filed under oath unless the oath is waived by the receiver. If a claim is founded
on a written instrument, the original instrument, unless lost or destroyed, shall be filed
with the proof of claim. After the instrument is filed, the receiver may permit the claimant
to substitute a copy of the instrument until the final disposition of the claim. If the
instrument is lost or destroyed, a statement of that fact and of the circumstances of the
loss or destruction shall be filed under oath with the claim.
(c) A judgment against a trust bank or uninsured bank in receivership taken by
default or by collusion before the date the bank was placed in receivership may not be
considered as conclusive evidence of the liability of the bank to the judgment creditor
or of the amount of damages to which the judgment creditor is entitled. A judgment
against the bank entered after the date the bank was placed in receivership may not be
considered as evidence of liability or of the amount of damages.
(d) (1) The owner of secured trust funds on deposit may file a claim as a creditor
against a trust bank or uninsured bank in receivership. The value of the security shall
be determined under supervision of the Superior Court by converting the security into
(2) The owner of a secured claim against a trust bank or uninsured bank in receivership may surrender the security and file a claim as a general creditor or apply the security
to the claim and discharge the claim.
(3) If the owner applies the security and discharges the claim under subdivision (2)
of this subsection, any deficiency shall be treated as a claim against the general assets
of the bank on the same basis as a claim of an unsecured creditor. The amount of the
deficiency shall be determined as provided by subsection (e) of this section, except that
if the amount of the deficiency has been adjudicated by a court in a proceeding in which
the receiver has had notice and an opportunity to be heard, the court's decision is conclusive as to the amount.
(4) The value of security held by a secured creditor shall be determined under supervision of the court by converting the security into money according to the terms of
the agreement under which the security was delivered to the creditor or by agreement,
arbitration, compromise or litigation between the creditor and the receiver.
(e) (1) A claim against a trust bank or uninsured bank in receivership based on an
unliquidated or undetermined demand shall be filed within the period for the filing of
the claim. The claim may not share in any distribution to claimants until the claim is
definitely liquidated, determined and allowed. After the claim is liquidated, determined
and allowed, the claim shares ratably with the claims of the same class in all subsequent
(2) If the receiver in all other respects is in a position to close the receivership
proceeding, the proposed closing is sufficient grounds for the rejection of any remaining
claim based on an unliquidated or undetermined demand. The receiver shall notify the
claimant of the intention to close the proceeding. If the demand is not liquidated or
determined before the sixty-first day after the date of the notice, the receiver may reject
the claim.
(3) For the purposes of this subsection, a demand is considered unliquidated or
undetermined if the right of action on the demand accrued while the trust bank or uninsured bank was placed in receivership and the liability on the demand has not been
determined or the amount of the demand has not been liquidated.
(f) (1) Mutual credits and mutual debts shall be set off and only the balance allowed
or paid, except that a set-off may not be allowed in favor of a person if: (A) The obligation
of a trust bank or uninsured bank to the person on the date the bank was placed in
receivership did not entitle the person to share as a claimant in the assets of the bank;
(B) the obligation of the bank to the person was purchased by or transferred to the person
after the date the bank was placed in receivership or for the purpose of increasing set-off rights; or (C) the obligation of the person or the bank is as a trustee or fiduciary.
(2) Upon request, the receiver shall provide a person with an accounting statement
identifying each debt that is due and payable. A person who owes a trust bank or uninsured bank an amount that is due and payable against which the person asserts set-off
of mutual credits that may become due and payable from the bank in the future shall
promptly pay to the receiver the amount due and payable. The receiver shall promptly
refund, to the extent of the person's prior payment, mutual credits that become due and
payable to the person by the bank in receivership.
(g) (1) Not later than six months after the last day permitted for the filing of claims
or a later date allowed by the Superior Court, the receiver shall accept or reject in whole
or in part each claim filed against a trust bank or an uninsured bank in receivership,
except for an unliquidated or undetermined claim governed by subsection (e) of this
section. The receiver shall reject a claim if the receiver doubts its validity.
(2) The receiver shall mail written notice to each claimant, specifying the disposition
of the person's claim. If a claim is rejected in whole or in part, the receiver in the
notice shall specify the basis for rejection and advise the claimant of the procedures and
deadline for appeal.
(3) The receiver shall send each claimant a summary schedule of approved and
rejected claims by priority class and notify the claimant: (A) That a copy of a schedule
of claims disposition, including only the name of the claimant, the amount of the claim
allowed, and the amount of the claim rejected, is available upon request; and (B) of the
procedure and deadline for filing an objection to an approved claim.
(h) The receiver of a trust bank or uninsured bank, with the approval of the superior
court, shall set a deadline for an objection to an approved claim. On or before that date,
a depositor, creditor, other claimant or shareholder of a trust bank or uninsured bank
may file an objection to an approved claim. The objection shall be heard and determined
by the court. If the objection is sustained, the court shall direct an appropriate modification of the schedule of claims.
(i) The receiver's rejection of a claim may be appealed to the superior court in which
the receivership proceeding of a trust bank or uninsured bank is pending. The appeal
shall be filed within three months after the date of service of notice of the rejection. If
the appeal is timely filed, review is de novo as if it were an action originally filed in the
court, and is subject to the rules of procedure and appeal applicable to civil cases. An
action to appeal rejection of a claim by the receiver is separate from the receivership
proceeding, and may not be initiated by a claimant intervening in the receivership proceeding. If the action is not timely filed, the action of the receiver is final and not subject
to review.
(j) (1) The commissioner shall deposit all money available for the benefit of persons
who have not filed a claim and are, according to the bank's records, depositors and
creditors of a trust bank or uninsured bank in receivership in a bank, Connecticut credit
union, federal credit union, out-of-state bank that maintains in this state a branch, as
defined in section 36a-410, or out-of-state credit union that maintains in this state a
branch, as defined in section 36a-435b. The commissioner shall pay the nonclaiming
depositors and creditors on demand the undisputed amount, based on the bank's records,
held for their benefit.
(2) The receiver may periodically make a partial distribution to the holders of approved claims if: (A) All objections have been heard and decided as provided by subsection (h) of this section; (B) the time for filing appeals has expired as provided by subsection (i) of this section; (C) money has been made available to provide for the payment
of all nonclaiming depositors and creditors in accordance with subdivision (1) of this
subsection; and (D) a proper reserve is established for the pro rata payment of: (i) Rejected claims that have been appealed, and (ii) any claims based on unliquidated or
undetermined demands governed by subsection (e) of this section.
(3) As soon as practicable after all objections, appeals and claims based on previously unliquidated or undetermined demands governed by subsection (e) of this section have been determined and money has been made available to provide for the payment of all nonclaiming depositors and creditors in accordance with subdivision (1) of
this subsection, the receiver shall distribute the assets of a trust bank or uninsured bank
in satisfaction of approved claims other than claims asserted in a person's capacity as
a shareholder.
(P.A. 04-136, S. 30; P.A. 05-288, S. 202; P.A. 07-72, S. 6.)
History: P.A. 04-136 effective May 12, 2004; P.A. 05-288 made technical changes in Subsec. (j)(1), effective July 13,
2005; P.A. 07-72 made a technical change in Subsec. (j)(1).