Sec. 34-13b. Specified office and agent for service of process.
Sec. 34-13b. Specified office and agent for service of process. (a) Each limited
partnership shall continuously maintain in this state an office, which may but need not
be a place of its business in this state, at which shall be kept the records required by
section 34-13c to be maintained.
(b) Each limited partnership shall have and maintain a statutory agent for service
in this state as provided in this section. A statutory agent for service shall be: (1) A
natural person who is a resident of this state; (2) a domestic corporation; (3) a corporation
not organized under the laws of this state and which has procured a certificate of authority
to transact business or conduct its affairs in this state; (4) a domestic limited liability
company; (5) a limited liability company not organized under the laws of this state and
which has procured a certificate of registration to transact business or conduct its affairs
in this state; (6) a domestic registered limited liability partnership; (7) a registered limited
liability partnership not organized under the laws of this state and which has procured
a certificate of authority to transact business or conduct its affairs in this state; (8) a
domestic statutory trust; or (9) a statutory trust not organized under the laws of this state
and which has procured a certificate of registration to transact business or conduct its
affairs in this state.
(c) A limited partnership's statutory agent for service shall be appointed by filing
with the Secretary of the State a written appointment. The initial written appointment
of the statutory agent for service of process shall be included in the original certificate
of limited partnership. All subsequent written appointments shall be in such form as the
secretary shall prescribe. All written appointments shall set forth: (1) The name of the
statutory agent for service; (2) a statement of acceptance by the statutory agent therein
appointed; and (3) if the statutory agent is a natural person, the business and residence
address thereof; if the statutory agent is a corporation organized under the laws of this
state, the address of the principal office thereof; if the statutory agent is a corporation
not organized under the laws of this state, the address of the principal office thereof in
this state, if any. In each case the address shall include the street and number or other
particular designation. Subsequent appointments shall, in addition, set forth the name
of the limited partnership.
(d) The initial written appointment shall be signed by the statutory agent therein
appointed. Subsequent written appointments shall be signed by a general partner of the
appointing limited partnership and by the statutory agent therein appointed.
(e) If a statutory agent for service dies, dissolves, removes from the state or resigns,
the limited partnership shall forthwith appoint another statutory agent for service. If the
statutory agent for service changes his or its business or residence address within the
state from that appearing upon the record in the office of the Secretary of the State,
the agent for service of process or the limited partnership shall forthwith file with the
Secretary of the State notice of the new address. A statutory agent for service may resign
by filing with the Secretary of the State a signed statement in duplicate to that effect.
The Secretary of the State shall forthwith file one copy and mail the other copy of such
statement to the limited partnership, at the office designated in the certificate of limited
partnership. Upon the expiration of one hundred twenty days after such filing, the resignation shall be effective and the authority of such statutory agent for service shall terminate. A limited partnership may revoke the appointment of a statutory agent for service
by making a new appointment as provided in this section and any new appointment so
made shall revoke all appointments theretofore made.
(f) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsection (d) of section 52-57, any process,
notice or demand in connection with any action or proceeding required or permitted by
law to be served upon a limited partnership which is subject to the provisions of this
section, may be served upon the limited partnership's statutory agent for service by any
proper officer or other person lawfully empowered to make service.
(g) If it appears from the records of the Secretary of the State that such a limited
partnership has failed to appoint or maintain a statutory agent for service, or if it appears
by affidavit attached to the process, notice or demand of the officer or other proper
person directed to serve any process, notice or demand upon a limited partnership's
statutory agent for service appearing on the records of the Secretary of the State that
such agent cannot, with reasonable diligence, be found, service of process, notice or
demand on such limited partnership may, when timely made, be made by such officer
or other proper person by: (1) Leaving a true and attested copy thereof, together with
the required fee at the office of the Secretary of the State or depositing the same in the
United States mails, by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed to such
office, and (2) depositing in the United States mails, by registered or certified mail,
postage prepaid, a true and attested copy thereof, together with a statement by such
officer that service is being made pursuant to this section, addressed to such limited
partnership at the office designated in the certificate of limited partnership.
(h) The Secretary of the State shall file the copy of each process, notice or demand
received by him as provided in subsection (g) of this section and keep a record of the
day and hour of such receipt. Service made as provided in this section shall be effective
as of such day and hour.
(i) Nothing herein contained shall limit or affect the right to serve any process,
notice or demand required or permitted by law to be served upon a limited partnership
in any other manner permitted by law.
(P.A. 79-440, S. 4; P.A. 86-379, S. 6; P.A. 89-116, S. 3; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-6, S. 103, 117; P.A. 04-240, S. 10.)
History: P.A. 86-379 deleted Subsec. (a)(2) re agent for service of process and added new Subsecs. (b) to (i), inclusive,
re appointment of statutory agent for service in this state and re service of process when statutory agent cannot be found;
P.A. 89-116 amended Subsecs. (c) and (d) requiring initial written appointment of statutory agent of process to be included
in original certificate of limited partnership, requiring all written appointments to set forth statement of acceptance by
statutory agent and deleting requirement that initial appointment be signed by a general partner; May Sp. Sess. P.A. 92-6
amended Subsec. (g) to delete the amount of the fee; P.A. 04-240 added Subsec. (b)(4) to (9) re limited liability companies,
registered limited liability partnerships and statutory trusts as agents for service and made technical changes.
See Sec. 34-38b re inapplicability of provisions as amended by P.A. 86-379 to partnerships existing before October,
Cited. 210 C. 71.