Sec. 33-1026. Certificate of incorporation.
Sec. 33-1026. Certificate of incorporation. (a) The certificate of incorporation
shall set forth: (1) A corporate name for the corporation that satisfies the requirements
of section 33-1045; (2) a statement that the corporation is nonprofit and that the corporation shall not have or issue shares of stock or make distributions; (3) whether the corporation is to have members and, if it is to have members, the provisions which under section
33-1055 are required to be set forth in the certificate of incorporation; (4) the street
address of the corporation's initial registered office and the name of its initial registered
agent at that office; (5) the name and address of each incorporator; and (6) the nature
of the activities to be conducted or the purposes to be promoted or carried out, except
that it shall be sufficient to state, either alone or with other activities or purposes, that
the purpose of the corporation is to engage in any lawful act or activity for which corporations may be formed under sections 33-1000 to 33-1290, inclusive, and by such statement
all lawful acts and activities shall be within the purposes of the corporation, except for
express limitations, if any.
(b) The certificate of incorporation may set forth: (1) The names and addresses of
the individuals who are to serve as the initial directors; (2) provisions not inconsistent
with law regarding: (A) Managing and regulating the affairs of the corporation; or (B)
defining, limiting and regulating the powers of the corporation, its board of directors
and members or any class of members; (3) any provision that under sections 33-1000
to 33-1290, inclusive, is required or permitted to be set forth in the bylaws; (4) a provision
limiting the personal liability of a director to the corporation or its members for monetary
damages for breach of duty as a director to an amount that is not less than the compensation received by the director for serving the corporation during the year of the violation
if such breach did not (A) involve a knowing and culpable violation of law by the
director, (B) enable the director or an associate, as defined in section 33-840, to receive
an improper personal economic gain, (C) show a lack of good faith and a conscious
disregard for the duty of the director to the corporation under circumstances in which
the director was aware that his conduct or omission created an unjustifiable risk of
serious injury to the corporation, or (D) constitute a sustained and unexcused pattern of
inattention that amounted to an abdication of the director's duty to the corporation,
provided no such provision shall limit or preclude the liability of a director for any act
or omission occurring prior to the effective date of such provision; and (5) a provision
permitting or making obligatory indemnification of a director for liability, as defined
in section 33-1116, to any person for any action taken, or any failure to take any action,
as a director, except liability that (A) involved a knowing and culpable violation of law
by the director, (B) enabled the director or an associate, as defined in section 33-840,
to receive an improper personal gain, (C) showed a lack of good faith and a conscious
disregard for the duty of the director to the corporation under circumstances in which
the director was aware that his conduct or omission created an unjustifiable risk of
serious injury to the corporation, or (D) constituted a sustained and unexcused pattern
of inattention that amounted to an abdication of the director's duty to the corporation,
provided no such provision shall affect the indemnification of or advance of expenses
to a director for any liability stemming from acts or omissions occurring prior to the
effective date of such provision.
(c) The certificate of incorporation need not set forth any of the corporate powers
enumerated in sections 33-1000 to 33-1290, inclusive.
(P.A. 96-256, S. 20, 209; P.A. 97-246, S. 45, 99; P.A. 06-68, S. 28.)
History: P.A. 96-256 effective January 1, 1997; P.A. 97-246 amended Subsec. (b)(4) to add proviso that no such
provision shall limit or preclude the liability of a director for any act or omission occurring prior to the effective date of
such provision and added Subdiv. (b)(5) authorizing a provision re indemnification of a director for liability, effective
June 27, 1997; P.A. 06-68 made a technical change in Subsec. (b)(5).
Annotation to former section 33-427:
Subsec. (a):
Cited. 33 CS 150.