Sec. 3-76c. Definitions.
Sec. 3-76c. Definitions. The following terms, when used in this part, shall have
the following meanings, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Governing body" as applied to towns, cities or boroughs means the legislative
body as defined in section 1-1 except that in towns having the town meeting form of
government, it means the board of finance or, if none, the board of selectmen; as applied
to metropolitan districts, independent school, sewer, fire and lighting districts, beach
and improvement associations, and all other tax districts and associations, it means the
district committee or association committee or similar body; as applied to any other
municipality it means the body, board, committee or similar body charged under the
general statutes, special acts or its charter with the power to issue bonds;
(b) "Municipal refunding bonds" means obligations of a municipality issued pursuant to this part provided such obligations, unless paid from other sources, are payable
as to both principal and interest from assessments or from ad valorem taxes which may
be levied without limitation as to rate or amount upon all the taxable property in the
municipality except certain classes of property, taxes on which are subject to limitations
prescribed by law;
(c) "Municipality" means any political subdivision of the state having the power to
make appropriations or to levy taxes, including any town, city or borough, whether
consolidated or unconsolidated, any village, school, sewer, fire or lighting, metropolitan
district, beach or improvement association, and any other metropolitan tax district or
association, or other municipal corporation having the power to issue bonds;
(d) "Municipal Refunding Trust Fund" means the fund created and established by
section 3-76m;
(e) "Municipal Refunded Bond Escrow Fund" means the fund created and established by section 3-76l;
(f) "Municipal reserve account or accounts" means the reserve account or accounts
that are established pursuant to section 3-76m;
(g) "Trust receipts" means all payments of principal of and premiums, if any, and
interest on municipal refunding bonds and fees, charges, moneys, and other investments,
gifts, grants, contributions, appropriations and all other income derived or to be derived
by the operation of the Municipal Refunding Trust Fund or payable thereto pursuant to
this part;
(h) "Special obligation bonds" or "state of Connecticut municipal refunding bonds"
means the special obligations of the state issued pursuant to this part;
(i) "State Bond Commission" or "commission" means the State Bond Commission
as established by section 3-20;
(j) "State" means the state of Connecticut;
(k) "Treasurer" means the Treasurer of the state and includes each and all of his
successors in office or authority.
(P.A. 73-591, S. 3, 21.)