Sec. 3-20e. Provision of secondary market disclosure information by political subdivisions of the state, municipalities and quasi-public agencies. Indemnification.
Sec. 3-20e. Provision of secondary market disclosure information by political
subdivisions of the state, municipalities and quasi-public agencies. Indemnification. (a) Any political subdivision of the state, any municipality, any quasi-public
agency, as defined in section 1-120, and any instrumentality of the state or of any such
governmental entity which is empowered by the general statutes or by special act to
issue bonds, notes or other obligations or to become an obligated person with respect
to the bonds, notes or other obligations of the state or any such governmental entity or
instrumentality, may make representations and agreements for the benefit of the holders
of such bonds, notes or other obligations to provide secondary market disclosure information. The officer or body authorized to issue such bonds, notes or obligations, or to
bind such governmental entity or instrumentality as an obligated person, may make such
representations and agreements on behalf of the governmental entity or instrumentality
or such officer or body may delegate such authority to any other officer or board of the
governmental entity or instrumentality. Any such agreement may include (1) covenants
to provide secondary market disclosure information, (2) arrangements for such information to be provided with the assistance of a paying agent, trustee or other agent, and (3)
remedies for breach of such agreement, which remedies may be limited to specific
performance. All such agreements entered into and all such actions taken prior to June
22, 1995, are hereby validated. The costs of complying with any such agreement shall
be deemed to be an appropriation from the general funds of the governmental entity or
instrumentality entering into such agreement to the extent necessary. As used in this
section, "municipality" means any town, city, borough, consolidated town and city,
consolidated town and borough, any metropolitan district, any regional school district,
any district as defined in section 7-324, and any other municipal corporation or authority
authorized to issue bonds, notes, or other obligations under the provisions of the general
statutes or any special act.
(b) Any political subdivision of the state, any municipality, any quasi-public
agency, as defined in section 1-120, and any instrumentality of the state or of any such
governmental entity which is empowered by the general statutes or by special act to
issue bonds, notes or other obligations or to become an obligated person with respect
to the bonds, notes or other obligations of the state or any such governmental entity or
instrumentality, shall protect and save harmless any official or former official of such
governmental entity or instrumentality from financial loss and expense, including legal
fees and costs, if any, arising out of any claim, demand, suit or judgment by reason of
alleged negligence on the part of such official, while acting in the discharge of his official
duties, in providing secondary market disclosure information or performing any other
duties set forth in any agreement to provide secondary market disclosure information.
Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to preclude the defense of governmental
immunity to any such claim, demand or suit. For purposes of this subsection "official"
means any person elected or appointed to office or employed by any such governmental
entity or instrumentality. Each such governmental entity or instrumentality may insure
against liability imposed by this subsection in any insurance company organized in this
state or in any insurance company of another state authorized to write such insurance
in this state or may elect to act as self-insurer of such liability. This subsection shall not
apply to cases of wilful and wanton fraud.
(P.A. 95-270, S. 6, 7, 11.)
History: P.A. 95-270, S. 6, 7, effective June 22, 1995.