Sec. 29-393. (Formerly Sec. 19-391). Building inspectors; duties, right of entry.

      Sec. 29-393. (Formerly Sec. 19-391). Building inspectors; duties, right of entry. On receipt of information from the local fire marshal or from any other authentic source that any building in his jurisdiction, due to lack of exit facilities, fire, deterioration, catastrophe or other cause, is in such condition as to be a hazard to any person or persons, the building inspector shall immediately make an inspection by himself or by his assistant, and may make orders for additional exit facilities or the repair or alteration of the building if the same is susceptible to repair or both or for the removal of such building or any portion thereof if any such order is necessary in the interests of public safety. Any building inspector shall have the right of entry into all buildings for the performance of his duties between the hours of nine o'clock a.m. and five o'clock p.m., in the interests of public safety.

      (1949 Rev., S. 4101; P.A. 07-110, S. 6.)

      History: Sec. 19-391 transferred to Sec. 29-393 in 1983; P.A. 07-110 made technical changes.

      Annotations to former section 19-391:

      Provision in municipal building code which prohibited the repair of any building of nonfireproof construction within the inner fire limits of the city after it had been damaged to the extent of fifty per cent of the cost of replacing the original building, held a valid exercise of power delegated to city. 147 C. 602.

      No action lies against fire marshal for failure to inspect. 7 CS 318.

      Annotation to present section:

      Cited. 18 CA 40.