Sec. 29-355a. Purchase by and sale to minors of black powder or other explosives, prohibited.

      Sec. 29-355a. Purchase by and sale to minors of black powder or other explosives, prohibited. (a) No person, firm or corporation may sell at retail any black powder or other explosive to any person under the age of eighteen years unless such purchaser presents a valid hunting license issued pursuant to chapter 490 at the time of purchase.

      (b) No person under the age of eighteen years may purchase any black powder or other explosive unless he presents a valid hunting license issued pursuant to chapter 490.

      (c) The provisions of subsections (a) and (b) of this section shall not apply to manufactured articles when the individual units contain explosives in such limited quantity, of such nature or in such packing that it is impossible to produce a simultaneous or a destructive explosion of such units to the injury of life, limb or property by fire, friction, concussion, percussion or detonator.

      (d) Any person violating any provision of this section shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than one year or both.

      (P.A. 90-207, S. 1.)