Sec. 29-354. (Formerly Sec. 29-94). Gunpowder may be ordered removed.

      Sec. 29-354. (Formerly Sec. 29-94). Gunpowder may be ordered removed. The fire marshal of any town may, by written order, direct the owner or person having charge of gunpowder within the limits of such town to remove the whole or any part of it at the time and to the place specified in such order; and, if he fails to do so, may cause it to be removed to any place in such town and shall have a lien upon it for all necessary expenses in removing and keeping it. Any person who refuses to remove any gunpowder in his charge, when legally requested by the fire marshal of the town in which the same is deposited or kept, or who does not deposit and keep it at the place legally designated by him, or who keeps more than fifty pounds of gunpowder in any one place, except at such place as may have been previously designated by the fire marshal for that purpose, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars.

      (1949 Rev., S. 4141.)

      History: Sec. 29-94 transferred to Sec. 29-354 in 1983.