Sec. 29-351. (Formerly Sec. 29-90). Transportation of explosives by common carrier.

      Sec. 29-351. (Formerly Sec. 29-90). Transportation of explosives by common carrier. No person shall transport, carry or convey gasoline or any other inflammable and explosive substance, not in use to supply motive power, light or heat, on any vessel, car or vehicle operated in the transportation of passengers by a common carrier, which vessel, car or vehicle is carrying passengers for hire; provided such substances may be transported upon any vessel or railroad car if they are not carried in that part of such vessel or car which is being used for the transportation of passengers for hire, and small arms ammunition in any quantity and such fuses, torpedoes, rockets or other signal devices as may be essential to promote safety in operation may be transported on any vessel, car or vehicle. Nothing in this section shall prevent the transportation of military or naval forces with their accompanying munitions of war on passenger-equipment vessels, cars or vehicles. No person shall bring into or place upon any such vessel, car or vehicle any gasoline or other inflammable and explosive substance except as herein provided. Any person or the officers of any corporation violating any provision of this section shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars or imprisoned not more than six months or both.

      (1949 Rev., S. 4138.)

      History: Sec. 29-90 transferred to Sec. 29-351 in 1983.