Sec. 29-337. (Formerly Sec. 29-78). Regulations concerning hazardous chemicals.

      Sec. 29-337. (Formerly Sec. 29-78). Regulations concerning hazardous chemicals. The Commissioner of Public Safety shall make reasonable regulations in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54 concerning the safe storage, transportation by any mode and transmission by pipeline of hazardous chemicals. In adopting such regulations, said commissioner may adopt by reference standards as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, Parts 100 through 199, as amended, and standards concerning hazardous chemicals as set forth by the National Fire Protection Association for the prevention of damage to property and injury to life, and protection from hazards incident to the storage, transportation by any mode and transmission by pipeline of such chemicals.

      (1957, P.A. 353, S. 2; 1961, P.A. 30; P.A. 77-614, S. 486, 610; P.A. 79-512, S. 9, 13; P.A. 84-404, S. 1, 2; P.A. 85-390, S. 2; 85-533, S. 2; P.A. 86-113; P.A. 89-171, S. 4, 5; P.A. 90-230, S. 50, 101; 90-263, S. 69, 74; P.A. 91-73, S. 3, 4; P.A. 92-131, S. 2; P.A. 94-189, S. 20.)

      History: 1961 act added transmission by pipeline; P.A. 77-614 replaced commissioner of state police with commissioner of public safety, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 79-512 clarified scope of regulations and authorized commissioner to "adopt by reference" standards in code of federal regulations and standards set forth by National Fire Protection Association where previously commissioner "may be guided by recognized national standards"; Sec. 29-78 transferred to Sec. 29-337 in 1983; P.A. 84-404 added "as amended" after the Code of Federal Regulations reference, deleted reference to Part 390 of Title 49 of the Code and inserted "386" in lieu thereof, deleted provision making regulations inapplicable to any plant or equipment constructed before October 1, 1957, and to electric and gas companies and provided that regulations adopted by reference may apply to commercial motor vehicles; P.A. 85-390 specified that the commissioner shall make reasonable regulations "in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54" and provided that regulations adopted by reference to federal regulations may be made applicable to any commercial motor vehicle "transporting hazardous materials, chemicals or waste" and that such regulations may be made applicable to any commercial motor vehicle after October 1, 1986; P.A. 85-533 deleted provisions added by P.A. 85-390 which had made regulations adopted by reference to the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations applicable to commercial vehicles transporting hazardous materials, waste or chemicals and had specified such regulations' applicability to any commercial vehicle after October 1, 1986; P.A. 86-113 limited the applicability of regulations adopted by reference to the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulation Title 49, Parts 386 through 397, as amended, to commercial motor vehicles which have a gross weight of not less than 18,000 pounds or which transport hazardous chemicals; P.A. 89-171 added an exception to the provisions of the Code of Federal Regulations Title 49, Part 393, Subpart G, Section 393.86 for any motor vehicle engaged in intrastate commerce and used in construction, until January 1, 1990; P.A. 90-230 made a technical change; P.A. 90-263 amended last sentence to delete reference to "commercial" motor vehicle; P.A. 91-73 deleted exception added by P.A. 89-171 because of its obsolescence; P.A. 92-131 divided the Sec. into two Subsecs., inserting new language as Subsec. (b) to exempt public service company vehicles operating in the case of major loss of utility service, disaster or other declared state of emergency from regulations adopted under Subsec. (a) relative to maximum hours of operation, and amending Subsec. (a) accordingly; P.A. 94-189 amended section by eliminating the Subsec. (a) designation, deleting the references to Parts 386 through 397 of the Code of Federal Regulations, deleting provisions re applicability of certain federal regulations adopted by reference to certain vehicles transporting hazardous chemicals and inapplicability of certain federal regulations adopted by reference to certain vehicles used in emergencies and disaster relief efforts, but see Sec. 14-163c.

      See chapter 54 re uniform administrative procedure.