Sec. 29-330. (Formerly Sec. 29-71). Definitions.

      Sec. 29-330. (Formerly Sec. 29-71). Definitions. The term "liquefied petroleum gas", as used in sections 29-331 and 29-332, means and includes any material which is composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons or mixtures of the same: Propane, propylene, butane, normal or isobutane and butylene. The term "liquefied natural gas", as used in sections 29-331 and 29-332, means a fluid in the liquid state composed predominantly of methane and which may contain minor quantities of ethane, propane, nitrogen or other components normally found in natural gas.

      (1955, S. 1999d; P.A. 79-512, S. 5, 13.)

      History: P.A. 79-512 defined "liquefied natural gas"; Sec. 29-71 transferred to Sec. 29-330 in 1983.