Sec. 29-314. (Formerly Sec. 29-44b). Sale of fire extinguishers and flame-proofing compounds and coatings.

      Sec. 29-314. (Formerly Sec. 29-44b). Sale of fire extinguishers and flame-proofing compounds and coatings. Any person who sells, offers to sell or displays for sale any portable fire extinguisher or any flame-proofing or fire retardant coating or compound, unless such fire extinguisher, coating or compound has been tested, listed and rated as satisfactory for its intended purpose by a nationally recognized testing laboratory acceptable to the State Fire Marshal and, in the case of a fire extinguisher, unless such fire extinguisher contains no active agent having an ingredient prohibited by section 29-313, shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in section 29-295.

      (February, 1965, P.A. 42; P.A. 85-151, S. 2.)

      History: Sec. 29-44b transferred to Sec. 29-314 in 1983; P.A. 85-151 made minor changes in wording to conform with changes in Sec. 29-313.