Sec. 29-298a. Fire Marshal Training Council established. Duties. Members.

      Sec. 29-298a. Fire Marshal Training Council established. Duties. Members. There shall be established within the Department of Public Safety a Fire Marshal Training Council which shall advise the State Fire Marshal and the Codes and Standards Committee on all matters pertaining to (1) certification training programs, (2) decertification hearings, (3) in-service training for fire marshals in the state, and (4) programs for all other persons eligible to receive training pursuant to subsections (a) to (c), inclusive, of section 29-251c. The council shall be composed of twelve members as follows: The State Fire Marshal or his designee; a member of the Codes and Standards Committee to be elected by such committee; three members appointed by the Connecticut Fire Marshals' Association, one of whom shall be a volunteer, one of whom shall be a part-time paid, and one of whom shall be a full-time, local fire marshal, deputy fire marshal or fire inspector; one member appointed by the Board of Governors of Higher Education; two members appointed by the Board of Trustees for the Community-Technical Colleges; the chief elected official of a municipality having a population in excess of seventy thousand persons, appointed by the Governor; the chief elected official of a municipality having a population of less than seventy thousand persons, appointed by the Governor; and two public members, appointed by the Governor. Members shall be residents of this state and shall not be compensated for their services but shall be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred in the performance of their duties. The council may elect such officers as it deems necessary.

      (P.A. 86-327, S. 4; P.A. 89-260, S. 38, 41; P.A. 98-233, S. 7, 8; P.A. 07-84, S. 6.)

      History: P.A. 89-260 substituted two members appointed by the board of trustees for the community-technical colleges for one member appointed by the board of trustees for state technical colleges and one member appointed by the board of trustees for regional community colleges; P.A. 98-233 included certain other eligible persons in training programs, effective July 1, 1999; P.A. 07-84 added Subdiv. designators (1) to (4) and added advisement re decertification hearings to list of council's duties, effective June 1, 2007.