Sec. 29-273. (Formerly Sec. 19-396b). Accessibility or adaptability requirements for residential buildings and complexes.
Sec. 29-273. (Formerly Sec. 19-396b). Accessibility or adaptability requirements for residential buildings and complexes. Each residential building or complex
constructed, substantially renovated or established by change of use under a building
permit application filed on or after October 1, 2004, shall provide accessible or adaptable
dwelling units for persons with disabilities as required by the State Building Code.
(P.A. 79-138, S. 2, 3, 5; P.A. 87-123, S. 2; P.A. 90-300, S. 4, 8; P.A. 04-237, S. 3.)
History: Sec. 19-396b transferred to Sec. 29-273 in 1983; P.A. 87-123 amended Subsecs. (a) and (b) to delete obsolete use
group designations and substitute current designations in lieu thereof; P.A. 90-300 inserted new Subsec. (b) re accessibility
requirements for certain dormitories, rooming and boarding houses, inserted in Subsec. (c), formerly (b), accessibility and
adaptability requirements for buildings designated as use group R-2, "Residential-Multifamily", and added Subsec. (d) re
adaptability requirements for buildings designated as use group R-3, "Residential, one and two family attached"; P.A. 04-237 replaced former Subsecs. (a) to (d) with requirement that each residential building or complex constructed, substantially
renovated or established by change of use under building permit application filed on or after October 1, 2004, provide
accessible or adaptable dwelling units for persons with disabilities as required by code.