Chapter 495
- Sec. 26-303. Findings. Policy.
- Sec. 26-304. Definitions.
- Sec. 26-305. Program for the protection of endangered and threatened species.
- Sec. 26-306. Regulations. Determination of whether any native species is endangered, threatened or of special concern. List. Essential habitats identified.
- Sec. 26-307. Review.
- Sec. 26-308. Treatment of species not listed as endangered or threatened as endangered or threatened species.
- Sec. 26-309. State acquisition of essential habitat. Management.
- Sec. 26-310. Actions by state agencies which affect endangered or threatened species or species of special concern or essential habitats of such species.
- Sec. 26-311. Taking of endangered or threatened species. Construction of chapter.
- Sec. 26-312. Violation. Order. Hearing.
- Sec. 26-313. Disclosure.
- Sec. 26-314. Natural Area Preserves Advisory Committee.
- Sec. 26-315. Elephant ivory.
- Sec. 26-316. Eelgrass beds.