Sec. 26-106. Milford refuge.
Sec. 26-106. Milford refuge. That portion of Milford Harbor extending from Memorial Bridge to the Milford breakwater and that portion of Gulf Pond extending from
land of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad Company to said breakwater
and that portion of the upland known as harbor side of Wilcox Park located on the east
side of said Milford Harbor, comprising five acres more or less, is established as a state
refuge for wildlife. The territory within the limits above described shall be subject to
all provisions of the general statutes relating to state refuges for wildlife and to the
regulations of the commissioner relating to such refuges.
(1931, S.A. 54; 1947, S.A. 136; 1971, P.A. 872, S. 292.)
History: 1971 act replaced reference to board of fisheries and game with reference to environmental protection commissioner.