Sec. 25-102cc. Conservation zone designated.
Sec. 25-102cc. Conservation zone designated. All the following area is designated as a conservation zone: Beginning at the point where the town line between Suffield, Connecticut, and Agawam, Massachusetts, intersects the center line of Connecticut Route 159 and proceeding southerly along the center line of Connecticut Route 159
to its intersection with the town line between Suffield and Windsor Locks, thence easterly along said line to its intersection with the center line of the ConRail Railroad Line,
thence southerly along said line to its intersection with the center line of Main Street,
thence southerly along said line to its intersection with the center line of Interstate Route
91, thence southwesterly along said line to its northernmost intersection with the town
line between Windsor Locks and Windsor, thence easterly along said line to its intersection with the center line of Palisado Avenue, thence southerly, southeasterly and southwesterly along said line to its intersection with the center line of the ConRail Railroad
Line, thence southerly along said line to its intersection with the center line of the Hartford Dike, thence southeasterly, southerly, southwesterly and westerly along said line
to its intersection with the Wethersfield Cove channel encroachment line, which point
is also the intersection of the eastern right-of-way of the Wilbur Cross Parkway with
the town line between Hartford and Wethersfield, thence southwesterly, southeasterly,
easterly, northerly and easterly along said Wethersfield Cove channel encroachment
line to its intersection with the Connecticut River channel encroachment line, thence
southerly along said line to its intersection with iron pin four in Kelley Avenue, thence
easterly along a line to its intersection with the western right-of-way line of Interstate
91, thence southerly along said line to its intersection with the Connecticut River channel
encroachment line which point is iron pin nine of the Connecticut River channel encroachment line, thence southerly, southwesterly, southeasterly and southwesterly
along said line to its intersection with the center line of the ConRail Railroad Line, thence
southeasterly and southwesterly along said line to its intersection with the hundred year
flood boundary north of Dividend Brook, thence southwesterly along said boundary to
its intersection with the town line between Rocky Hill and Cromwell, thence easterly
along said line to its intersection with the hundred year flood boundary south of Dividend
Brook, thence northeasterly along said boundary to its intersection with the center line
of the ConRail Railroad Line, thence southeasterly along said line to its intersection
with the town line between Rocky Hill and Cromwell, thence westerly along said line
a distance of three hundred feet to the point where the town line intersects the one
hundred fifty foot contour interval, thence southerly, and at varying elevations, along
the ridgeline as viewed from four feet above mean low water from the center line of the
Connecticut River to its intersection with the center line of Nooks Hill Road, thence
westerly along said line to its intersection with the center line of the ConRail Railroad
Line, thence southerly along said line to its intersection with the center line of Connecticut Route 99, thence southerly along said line to its intersection with a line parallel to
and two thousand two hundred feet south of South Street, thence westerly along said
line a distance of seven hundred feet to its intersection with the hundred year flood
boundary, thence northerly along said boundary to its intersection with the southerly
property line of the Connecticut Route 9 right-of-way, thence northwesterly along said
property line to its intersection with the center line of West Street, thence westerly along
said line to its intersection with the center line of Connecticut Route 3, thence southerly
along said line to its intersection with the town line between Middletown and Cromwell
which town line is the center line of the Mattabasset River, thence southerly along said
line to its intersection with the center line of the Connecticut Route 9 right-of-way,
thence southerly along said line to its intersection with the center line of the ConRail
Railroad Line, thence easterly along said line to its intersection with the center line of
the electric power transmission line right-of-way which crosses the railroad line, thence
southerly along said center line of the electric power transmission line right-of-way to
a point two hundred feet south of the center line of the ConRail Railroad Line, thence
easterly along a line parallel to and two hundred feet from the center line of the ConRail
Railroad Line to its intersection with the town line between Middletown and Haddam,
thence easterly along said line to its intersection with the town line between Haddam
and East Hampton, thence easterly along said line to its intersection with the center line
of Hurd Park Road, thence northerly along said line to its intersection with the center
line of Connecticut Route 151, thence northerly along said line to its intersection with
the center line of Connecticut Route 66, thence westerly along said line to its intersection
with the town line between Portland and East Hampton, thence southerly along said
line to its intersection with the Connecticut River hundred year flood boundary, thence
northwesterly, northerly and southerly along said boundary to its intersection with the
center line of Bartlett Street, thence easterly along said line to its intersection with the
center line of Connecticut Route 17, thence northeasterly along said line to its intersection with the Connecticut River hundred year flood boundary at a point four hundred
feet north of the point where said line intersects the center line of Reservoir Brook,
thence northwesterly along said Connecticut River hundred year flood boundary to the
point where said boundary intersects the town line between Portland and Glastonbury,
thence northwesterly, northerly, southeasterly, easterly, northerly and northwesterly
along the Connecticut River hundred year flood boundary and tributary hundred year
flood boundaries, where the eastern limit of said tributary hundred year flood boundaries
shall be the center line of Main Street, to the point where said boundary intersects the
town line between Glastonbury and East Hartford, thence westerly along said line to its
intersection with the Connecticut River state stream channel encroachment line, thence
northerly and northwesterly along said line to its intersection with the northern floodway
boundary of the Hockanum River, thence southwesterly and northwesterly along the
floodway boundaries of the Hockanum River and the Connecticut River for a distance
of three thousand six hundred feet, thence easterly along a line perpendicular to the
Connecticut River floodway boundary to the point where said line intersects the Connecticut state stream channel encroachment line, thence northwesterly, northerly and
northeasterly along the Connecticut state stream channel encroachment line to its intersection with the town line between East Hartford and South Windsor, thence easterly
for a distance of three thousand feet along said line, thence proceeding northeasterly in
a straight line from said point to a point one thousand two hundred fifty feet east of
Main Street and one thousand feet south of Sullivan Avenue where said line intersects
an unnamed tributary of the Scantic River, thence proceeding in a straight line from
said point to the intersection of Main Street and U.S. Route 5, thence northwesterly,
northeasterly and northerly along the center line of U.S. Route 5 to its intersection with
Newberry Road, thence northerly and northeasterly along the center line of the Interstate
91 entrance ramp and thence the center line of Interstate 91 to its intersection with the
town line between East Windsor and Enfield, thence southwesterly along said line to
its intersection with the center line of Depot Hill Road, thence northeasterly along said
line to a point eight hundred seventy-five feet west of Interstate 91 as measured along
the center line of Depot Hill Road thence northwesterly along a line perpendicular to
Depot Hill Road to the point where said line intersects the center line of the ConRail
Railroad Line, thence northeasterly, northerly and northwesterly along said line to its
intersection with the town line between Enfield, Connecticut, and Longmeadow, Massachusetts, thence westerly along said line to the point of beginning, the point where the
town line between Suffield, Connecticut, and Agawam, Massachusetts, intersects the
center line of Connecticut Route 159.
(P.A. 82-296, S. 3, 11.)