Sec. 25-85. Establishment of flood or erosion control system.
Sec. 25-85. Establishment of flood or erosion control system. Such board shall
have authority, within the limits of appropriations from time to time made by the municipality, to plan, lay out, acquire, construct, reconstruct, repair, maintain, supervise and
manage a flood or erosion control system. As used in sections 25-84 to 25-94, inclusive,
"flood or erosion control system" means any dike, berm, dam, piping, groin, jetty, sea
wall, embankment, revetment, tide-gate, water storage area, ditch, drain or other structure or facility useful in preventing or ameliorating damage from floods or erosion,
whether caused by fresh or salt water, or any dam forming a lake or pond that benefits
abutting properties, and shall include any easements, rights-of-way and riparian rights
which may be required in furtherance of any such system.
(1955, S. 2384d; November, 1955, S. N207; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-38, S. 4.)
History: June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-38 provided that the definition of flood or erosion control system includes dams.