Sec. 22a-417. (Formerly Sec. 25-26a). Discharge of sewage into tributaries of water supply impoundments or Salmon River.
Sec. 22a-417. (Formerly Sec. 25-26a). Discharge of sewage into tributaries of
water supply impoundments or Salmon River. (a) No person or municipality shall
discharge any sewage into any waters of the state which are tributary to an existing
water supply impoundment or any proposed water supply impoundment identified in
the long-range plan for management of water resources prepared and adopted pursuant
to section 22a-352.
(b) No person or municipality shall discharge into the Salmon River or any of its
tributaries any sewage or any other effluent which is less than tertiary treated.
(1971, P.A. 191, S. 1-4; P.A. 73-555, S. 3, 10.)
History: P.A. 73-555 deleted former Subsecs. (a) and (b) which had defined "person" and prohibited discharge in Class
A waters sewage or other effluent "which is less than tertiary treated", inserting new Subsec. (a) prohibitions, relettered
Subsec. (c) as (b) and included municipalities in applicability and deleted Subsec. (d) providing penalty under Sec. 25-31
for violations; Sec. 25-26a transferred to Sec. 22a-417 in 1983.
Cited. 21 CA 91.