Sec. 22a-134. Transfer of hazardous waste establishments: Definitions.
Sec. 22a-134. Transfer of hazardous waste establishments: Definitions. For the
purposes of this section and sections 22a-134a to 22a-134d, inclusive:
(1) "Transfer of establishment" means any transaction or proceeding through which
an establishment undergoes a change in ownership, but does not mean:
(A) Conveyance or extinguishment of an easement;
(B) Conveyance of an establishment through a foreclosure, as defined in subsection
(b) of section 22a-452f or foreclosure of a municipal tax lien or through a tax warrant
sale pursuant to section 12-157 or, provided the establishment is within the pilot program
established in subsection (c) of section 32-9cc, a subsequent transfer by such municipality that has foreclosed municipal tax liens or that has acquired title to the property through
section 12-157;
(C) Conveyance of a deed in lieu of foreclosure to a lender, as defined in and that
qualifies for the secured lender exemption pursuant to subsection (b) of section 22a-452f;
(D) Conveyance of a security interest, as defined in subdivision (7) of subsection
(b) of section 22a-452f;
(E) Termination of a lease and conveyance, assignment or execution of a lease for
a period less than ninety-nine years including conveyance, assignment or execution of
a lease with options or similar terms that will extend the period of the leasehold to ninety-nine years, or from the commencement of the leasehold, ninety-nine years, including
conveyance, assignment or execution of a lease with options or similar terms that will
extend the period of the leasehold to ninety-nine years, or from the commencement of
the leasehold;
(F) Any change in ownership approved by the Probate Court;
(G) Devolution of title to a surviving joint tenant, or to a trustee, executor or administrator under the terms of a testamentary trust or will, or by intestate succession;
(H) Corporate reorganization not substantially affecting the ownership of the establishment;
(I) The issuance of stock or other securities of an entity which owns or operates an
(J) The transfer of stock, securities or other ownership interests representing less
than forty per cent of the ownership of the entity that owns or operates the establishment;
(K) Any conveyance of an interest in an establishment where the transferor is the
sibling, spouse, child, parent, grandparent, child of a sibling or sibling of a parent of the
(L) Conveyance of an interest in an establishment to a trustee of an inter vivos trust
created by the transferor solely for the benefit of one or more siblings, spouses, children,
parents, grandchildren, children of a sibling or siblings of a parent of the transferor;
(M) Any conveyance of a portion of a parcel upon which portion no establishment
is or has been located and upon which there has not occurred a discharge, spillage,
uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of hazardous waste, provided either the area of
such portion is not greater than fifty per cent of the area of such parcel or written notice
of such proposed conveyance and an environmental condition assessment form for such
parcel is provided to the commissioner sixty days prior to such conveyance;
(N) Conveyance of a service station, as defined in subdivision (5) of this section;
(O) Any conveyance of an establishment which, prior to July 1, 1997, had been
developed solely for residential use and such use has not changed;
(P) Any conveyance of an establishment to any entity created or operating under
chapter 130 or 132, or to an urban rehabilitation agency, as defined in section 8-292, or
to a municipality under section 32-224, or to the Connecticut Development Authority
or any subsidiary of the authority;
(Q) Any conveyance of a parcel in connection with the acquisition of properties to
effectuate the development of the overall project, as defined in section 32-651;
(R) The conversion of a general or limited partnership to a limited liability company
under section 34-199;
(S) The transfer of general partnership property held in the names of all of its general
partners to a general partnership which includes as general partners immediately after
the transfer all of the same persons as were general partners immediately prior to the
(T) The transfer of general partnership property held in the names of all of its general
partners to a limited liability company which includes as members immediately after
the transfer all of the same persons as were general partners immediately prior to the
(U) Acquisition of an establishment by any governmental or quasi-governmental
condemning authority;
(V) Conveyance of any real property or business operation that would qualify as
an establishment solely as a result of (i) the generation of more than one hundred kilograms of universal waste in a calendar month, (ii) the storage, handling or transportation
of universal waste generated at a different location, or (iii) activities undertaken at a
universal waste transfer facility, provided any such real property or business operation
does not otherwise qualify as an establishment; there has been no discharge, spillage,
uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of a universal waste or a constituent of universal
waste that is a hazardous substance at or from such real property or business operation;
and universal waste is not also recycled, treated, except for treatment of a universal
waste pursuant to 40 CFR 273.13(a)(2) or (c)(2) or 40 CFR 273.33 (a)(2) or (c)(2), or
disposed of at such real property or business operation; or
(W) Conveyance of a unit in a residential common interest community in accordance with section 22a-134i;
(2) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Environmental Protection or the
designated agent of the commissioner;
(3) "Establishment" means any real property at which or any business operation
from which (A) on or after November 19, 1980, there was generated, except as the
result of remediation of polluted soil, groundwater or sediment, more than one hundred
kilograms of hazardous waste in any one month, (B) hazardous waste generated at a
different location was recycled, reclaimed, reused, stored, handled, treated, transported
or disposed of, (C) the process of dry cleaning was conducted on or after May 1, 1967,
(D) furniture stripping was conducted on or after May 1, 1967, or (E) a vehicle body
repair facility was located on or after May 1, 1967;
(4) "Hazardous waste" means any waste which is (A) hazardous waste identified
in accordance with Section 3001 of the federal Resource Conservation and Recovery
Act of 1976, 42 USC 6901 et seq., (B) hazardous waste identified by regulations adopted
by the Commissioner of Environmental Protection, or (C) polychlorinated biphenyls in
concentrations greater than fifty parts per million except that sewage, sewage sludge
and lead paint abatement wastes shall not be considered to be hazardous waste for the
purposes of this section and sections 22a-134a to 22a-134d, inclusive;
(5) "Service station" means a retail operation involving the resale of motor vehicle
fuel including, but not limited to, gasoline, diesel fuel and kerosene and which operation
does not otherwise meet the definition of an establishment;
(6) "Certifying party" means, in the case of a Form III or Form IV, a person associated with the transfer of an establishment who signs a Form III or Form IV and who
agrees to investigate the parcel in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines
and to remediate pollution caused by any release at the establishment in accordance
with the remediation standards and, in the case of a Form I or Form II, a transferor of
an establishment who signs the certification on a Form I or II;
(7) "Party associated with the transfer of an establishment" means (A) the present
or past owner or operator of the establishment, (B) the owner of the real property on
which the establishment is located, (C) the transferor, transferee, lender, guarantor or
indemnitor, (D) the business entity which operates or operated the establishment, or (E)
the state;
(8) "Remediation standards" means regulations adopted by the commissioner pursuant to section 22a-133k;
(9) "Parcel" means piece, parcel or tract of land which constitutes an establishment,
as defined in subdivision (3) of this section, or on which is or was located any business
operation which constitutes an establishment;
(10) "Form I" means a written certification by the transferor of an establishment
on a form prescribed and provided by the commissioner that: (A) No discharge, spillage,
uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of hazardous waste or a hazardous substance has
occurred at the establishment which certification is based on an investigation of the
parcel in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines, or (B) no discharge spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of hazardous waste has occurred at the establishment based upon an investigation of the parcel in accordance with the prevailing
standards and guidelines and the commissioner has determined, in writing, or a licensed
environmental professional has verified, in writing, that any discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of a hazardous substance has been remediated in accordance with the remediation standards and that since any such written approval or verification, including any approval or verification for a portion of an establishment, no
discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of hazardous waste or hazardous substances has occurred at any portion of the establishment;
(11) "Form II" means a written certification by the transferor of an establishment
on a form prescribed and provided by the commissioner that the parcel has been investigated in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines and that (A) any pollution
caused by a discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of hazardous
waste or a hazardous substance which has occurred from the establishment has been
remediated in accordance with the remediation standards and that the remediation has
been approved in writing by the commissioner or has been verified pursuant to section
22a-133x or section 22a-134a in writing attached to such form by a licensed environmental professional to have been performed in accordance with the remediation standards
and that since any such written approval or verification, including any approval or verification for a portion of an establishment, no discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of hazardous waste or hazardous substances has occurred at any portion
of the establishment, (B) the commissioner has determined in writing or a licensed
environmental professional has verified pursuant to section 22a-133x or section 22a-134a in writing, attached to the form that no remediation is necessary to achieve compliance with the remediation standards, or (C) a Form IV verification was previously submitted to the commissioner and, since the date of the submission of the Form IV, no
discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of hazardous waste or a hazardous substance has occurred at the establishment, which certification is based on an
investigation of the parcel in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines;
(12) "Form III" means a written certification signed by a certifying party on a form
prescribed and provided by the commissioner, which certification states that (A) a discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of hazardous waste or a hazardous substance has occurred at the establishment or the environmental conditions at the
establishment are unknown, and (B) that the person signing the certification agrees to
investigate the parcel in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines and to
remediate pollution caused by any release of a hazardous waste or hazardous substance
from the establishment in accordance with the remediation standards;
(13) "Form IV" means a written certification signed by one or more certifying parties on a form prescribed and provided by the commissioner and which is accompanied
by a written determination by the commissioner or by a verification by a licensed environmental professional pursuant to section 22a-134a or 22a-133x, which certification
states and is accompanied by documentation demonstrating that the parcel has been
investigated in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines and that (A) there
has been a discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of hazardous waste
or a hazardous substance on the establishment, and (B) all actions to remediate any
pollution caused by any release at the establishment have been taken in accordance
with the remediation standards except postremediation monitoring, natural attenuation
monitoring or the recording of an environmental land use restriction, and (C) the person
or persons signing the certification agree, in accordance with the representations made
in the form, to conduct postremediation monitoring or natural attenuation monitoring
in accordance with the remediation standards and if further investigation and remediation are necessary to take further action to investigate the establishment in accordance
with prevailing standards and guidelines and to remediate the establishment in accordance with the remediation standards;
(14) "Person" means person, as defined in section 22a-2;
(15) "Remediate" means to contain, remove or abate pollution, potential sources
of pollution and substances in soil or sediment which pose an unacceptable risk to human
health or the environment and includes, but is not limited to, the reduction of pollution
by natural attenuation;
(16) "Licensed environmental professional" means an environmental professional
licensed pursuant to section 22a-133v;
(17) "Environmental condition assessment form" means a form prescribed and provided by the commissioner, prepared under the supervision of a licensed environmental
professional, and executed by (A) the certifying party under sections 22a-134 to 22a-134e, inclusive, or (B) the owner of the property under section 22a-133x which form
describes the environmental conditions at the parcel;
(18) "Pollution" means pollution, as defined in section 22a-423;
(19) "Verification" means the rendering of a written opinion by a licensed environmental professional on a form prescribed by the commissioner that an investigation of
the parcel has been performed in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines
and that the establishment has been remediated in accordance with the remediation
(20) "Vehicle" means any motorized device for conveying persons or objects except
for an aircraft, boat, railroad car or engine, or farm tractor;
(21) "Business operation" means any business that has, or any series of substantially
similar businesses that have, operated continuously or with only brief interruption on
the same parcel, either with a single owner or successive owners;
(22) "Corporate reorganization not substantially affecting the ownership of an establishment" means implementation of a business plan to restructure a corporation
through a merger, spin-off or other plan or reorganization under which the direct owner
of the establishment does not change;
(23) "Form IV verification" means the rendering of a written opinion by a licensed
environmental professional, after a Form IV has been filed, that postremediation monitoring, natural attenuation or the recording of an environmental land use restriction has
been completed in accordance with the Form IV;
(24) "Hazardous substance" means hazardous substance, as defined in Section 101
of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of
1980, 42 USC 9601, or a petroleum product or by-product for which there are remediation standards adopted pursuant to section 22a-133k or for which such remediation
standards have a process for calculating the numeric criteria of such substance;
(25) "Sediment" means unconsolidated material occurring in a stream, pond, wetland estuary or other water body;
(26) "Universal waste" means batteries, pesticides, thermostats, lamps and used
electronics regulated as a universal waste under regulations adopted pursuant to subsection (c) of section 22a-449. "Universal waste" does not mean (A) batteries, pesticides,
thermostats and lamps that are not covered under 40 CFR Part 273, or (B) used electronics that are not regulated as a universal waste under regulations adopted pursuant to
subsection (c) of section 22a-449;
(27) "Universal waste transfer facility" means any facility related to transportation,
including loading docks, parking areas, storage areas and other similar areas where
shipments of universal waste are held during the normal course of transportation for ten
days or less.
(P.A. 85-568, S. 2; P.A. 87-475, S. 1; P.A. 95-183, S. 1; P.A. 96-113, S. 1, 17; P.A. 97-218, S. 1; P.A. 98-253, S. 2;
Dec. Sp. Sess. P.A. 98-1, S. 35, 43; P.A. 99-225, S. 6; 99-241, S. 56, 66; P.A. 00-140, S. 24, 40; P.A. 01-204, S. 15; June
Sp. Sess. P.A. 01-9, S. 73, 131; P.A. 03-19, S. 58-61; 03-218, S. 5, 6; P.A. 06-76, S. 11, 13, 14; 06-184, S. 3; P.A. 07-81,
S. 3; P.A. 08-124, S. 15, 16.)
History: P.A. 87-475 redefined "establishment" to apply to those operating on or after May 1, 1967, and to include dry
cleaning, furniture stripping, painting and auto body operations and added definitions of "service stations" and "transfer
of a service station"; P.A. 95-183 added Subdiv. (1) (A) to (M), inclusive, re exclusions from the definition of "transfer
of establishment"; amended Subdiv. (3) to redefine "establishment" to mean any real property or business operation from
which on and after November 1, 1980, there was generated, except as the result of remediation activities, more than 100
kilograms of hazardous waste in any one month and to make other grammatical adjustments for consistency; amended
Subdiv. (4) to redefine "hazardous waste" to include waste identified in accordance with the federal Resource Conservation
and Recovery Act or by the commissioner in regulations and polychlorinated biphenyls in concentrations greater than 50
parts per million and to exclude lead paint abatement wastes; deleted former Subdiv. (5) defining "negative declaration"
and renumbered the remaining Subdivs. accordingly; amended the renumbered Subdiv. (5) to specify that "service station"
means a retail operation which does not otherwise meet the definition of "establishment"; amended the renumbered Subdiv.
(6) to add Subparas. (A) to (M), inclusive, re exclusions from the definition of "transfer of a service station"; and added
new Subdivs. (7) to (20), inclusive, providing definitions for "certifying party", "party associated with the transfer of an
establishment", "remediation standards", "parcel", "Form I", "Form II", "Form III", "Form IV", "person", "remediate",
"licensed environmental professional", "environmental condition assessment form", "pollution", and "verification"; P.A.
96-113 redefined "transfer of establishment" to add provision re providing environmental condition assessment form to
commissioner for conveyance of certain portions of parcels and to exclude conveyances of service stations, redefined
"establishment" to make technical clarifications, deleted a definition of "transfer of a service station", redefined "party"
to explicitly include former operators of establishments and the state, redefined "Form II" to add provision re determination
that no remediation is necessary, redefined "Form IV" to add provision re accompanying documentation and added the
definition of "vehicle", renumbering Subdivs. as necessary, effective May 24, 1996; P.A. 97-218 redefined "transfer of
establishment" in Subdiv. (1) to exclude conveyances of parcels developed solely for residential use prior to July 1, 1997,
where such use has not changed; amended Subdiv. (3)(B) to provide that in that category of "establishment", the waste is
generated at a different location; redefined "certifying party" in Subdiv. (6) to specify that investigation of parcel be in
accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines and that remediation be in accordance with the remediation standards;
redefined "form I" in Subdiv. (10) to clarify that declaration is based on an investigation of the property in accordance
with the prevailing standards and guidelines; redefined "form II" in Subdiv. (11) to provide that remediation of the parcel
is in accordance with the remediation standards; redefined "form III" in Subdiv. (12) to provide that the investigation is
in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines; and redefined "form IV" in Subdiv. (13) to provide that the
certification be accompanied by a determination by the commissioner or a licensed environmental professional under Secs.
22a-134a or 22a-133x and that the investigation is in accordance with prevailing standards and guidelines; P.A. 98-253
added Subdiv. (l)(P) excluding from the definition of "transfer of establishment" conveyances to certain state or municipal
agencies; Dec. Sp. Sess. P.A. 98-1 added Subdiv. (1)(Q) re conveyance to a limited liability company established to
assemble properties to effectuate the purposes of the Patriots Stadium Enabling Act, effective January 12, 1999; P.A. 99-225 deleted said Subdiv. (1)(Q) and added new Subparas. (Q), (R) and (S) regarding exemptions for certain transactions
involving certain partnership properties, amended Subdiv. (3) to clarify a provision excepting remediation activities from
the definition of "establishment", and amended Subdivs. (6), (10), (11), (12), and (13) to require adoption of regulations
on or before January 1, 2002, providing standards for investigation of contaminated parcels; P.A. 99-241 deleted Subdiv.
(1)(Q) re conveyance of parcel to limited liability company established to assemble properties to effectuate purposes of
the Patriots Stadium Enabling Act, and added a limited liability company established to assemble properties for development
of the convention center facilities, sportsplex and related parking facilities site, effective July 1, 1999 (Revisor's note: In
codifying the provisions of P.A. 99-225 and 99-241, as they affect Subdiv. (1), the Revisors retained the words "or (Q)
any conveyance of a parcel", which were deleted by P.A. 99-225, so as to add the amendment to Subpara. (Q) contained
in P.A. 99-241, and relettered new Subparas. (Q), (R) and (S), contained in P.A. 99-225, to (R), (S) and (T), respectively);
P.A. 00-140 amended Subdiv. (1)(Q) to make a technical change, substitute "acquisition" for "assembly", delete references
to former convention center facilities, sportsplex and related parking facilities and add reference to the overall project as
defined in Sec. 32-651, effective May 2, 2000; P.A. 01-204 redefined "transfer of establishment", "establishment", "certifying party", "party associated with the transfer of an establishment", "Form I", "Form II", "Form III", "Form IV", "environmental condition assessment form", "verification" and "vehicle", defined "business operation", "corporate reorganization
not substantially affecting the ownership of an establishment", "Form IV verification", "hazardous substance" and "sediment", and made technical changes; June Sp. Sess. 01-9 revised effective date of P.A. 01-204 but without affecting this
section; P.A. 03-218 amended Subdiv. (1)(B) by adding "or foreclosure of a municipal tax lien" and made a technical
change (1)(E), amended Subdiv. (10)(B) by adding "based on an investigation of the parcel in accordance with the prevailing
standards and guidelines", and amended Subdiv. (11) by making technical changes and, in Subpara. (C), by adding "verification", effective July 1, 2003; P.A. 03-19 made technical changes in Subdivs. (1), (11), (21) and (24), effective May 12,
2003; P.A. 06-76 amended Subdiv. (1) to make technical changes, to add Subpara. (V) re universal waste, and to add
Subpara. (W) re residential common interest community, amended Subdiv. (10) to require verification from licensed
environmental professional to be in writing, amended Subdivs. (10) and (11)(A) to require additional verification that no
discharge, spillage, uncontrolled loss, seepage or filtration of hazardous waste or substances has occurred at any portion
of the establishment, and added Subdivs. (26) and (27) defining "universal waste" and "universal waste transfer facility",
respectively; P.A. 06-184 amended Subdiv. (1)(B) by redefining "transfer of establishment" to include tax warrant sales
pursuant to Sec. 12-157, effective June 9, 2006; P.A. 07-81 amended Subdiv. (19) to redefine "verification" to require that
written opinion be on a form prescribed by commissioner; P.A. 08-124 made technical changes in Subdiv. (1)(L) and (V),
effective June 2, 2008.
Cited. 223 C. 910. Cited. 226 C. 737. Cited. 239 C. 284.
Cited. 27 CA 353. Cited. 30 CA 204. Cited. 43 CA 113.