Sec. 22-136. Licensing of weighers, gagers, samplers and testers of milk and cream. Examination fees. Revocation of license.
Sec. 22-136. Licensing of weighers, gagers, samplers and testers of milk and
cream. Examination fees. Revocation of license. (a) The Milk Regulation Board shall
adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, for the examination
and licensing of persons who may engage in the weighing, sampling or testing of milk
or cream which is to be bought or sold on the basis of the butterfat content, milk components or the bacterial count, or for the purpose of determining the butterfat content, the
presence or absence of antibiotics or other inhibitors, milk components or bacterial count
for publication or for advertising purposes, or for use as the basis of reports to any person
other than their employers or payment to a producer.
(b) The commissioner shall administer the regulations. Applications for examinations shall be made in writing to the commissioner. Any fees for such applications shall
be established by the commissioner pursuant to section 22-128a. The commissioner
shall designate the time and place of holding the examinations, and may issue, to any
person who has complied with the regulations for the examination and has passed the
same to the satisfaction of the commissioner, a license to weigh or gage, sample or test
any milk or cream.
(c) The license shall be valid for two years and may be renewed for a period of two
years upon written application to the commissioner accompanied by a fee established
by the commissioner pursuant to section 22-128a.
(d) The license may be revoked by the commissioner, after hearing and upon notice
to the licensee, for dishonesty, incompetency, inaccuracy or violation of any provision
of this section or sections 22-138 to 22-141, inclusive.
(e) No person shall take any sample or test any milk or cream for the purpose of
determining its butterfat content, its milk components or its bacterial count except as
provided in this section, and nothing in this section shall be construed to prevent private
testing and sampling for plant purposes. Any person not holding a license may take any
unbroken package of milk or cream as a sample.
(1949 Rev., S. 3177; 1949, S. 1733d; 1957, P.A. 359, S. 2, 1961, P.A. 213; 1967, P.A. 78; 1969, P.A. 21; P.A. 82-91,
S. 11, 38; P.A. 91-312, S. 8, 48; P.A. 97-234, S. 4; P.A. 05-175, S. 6.)
History: 1961 act allowed regulation of determination of butterfat content or bacterial count for use as basis of reports
to persons other than employers, restated provision re examination fees, allowed renewals for five years rather than for
one and raised renewal fee from $1 to $5, accordingly; 1967 act changed expiration date of initial license to one year from
date of issuance rather than December thirty-first following issuance; 1969 act added reference to regulations re licensing,
deleted requirement that examinations conform to specifications for testing milk and cream adopted by Association of
Official Agricultural Chemists or American Public Health Association and replaced reference to Sec. 22-144 with reference
to Sec. 22-141; P.A. 82-91 increased examination fee for weigher's or gager's license from $1 to $5, increased examination
fee for sampler's license from $2 to $5, increased examination fee for tester's license from $3 to $5, increased fee for
bacteriological examinations from $3 to $5 and increased license renewal fee from $5 to $10; P.A. 91-312 divided section
into Subsecs., amended Subsec. (b) to make technical change and increase all examination fees from $5 to $15 for applications submitted between July 1, 1991, and July 1, 1992, and provide that on and after July 1, 1992, such fees shall be
established by the commissioner pursuant to Sec. 22-128a, amended Subsec. (c) to increase the license renewal fee from
$10 to $25 for an application submitted between July 1, 1991, and July 1, 1992, and provide that on and after July 1, 1992,
such fee shall be established by the commissioner pursuant to Sec. 22-128a, and amended Subsec. (d) to replace reference
to repealed Sec. 22-137 with reference to Sec. 22-138; P.A. 97-234 amended Subsec. (b) to delete provisions re fees for
examinations under this section and provided that any such fees shall be established by the commissioner under Sec. 22-128a; P.A. 05-175 made technical changes, deleted regulatory authority re persons engaged in gaging and added authority
re persons sampling or testing milk components, presence or absence of antibiotics or other inhibitors or payment to
producer in Subsec. (a), extended license period to two years, reduced renewal period to two years and deleted provisions
re $25 application fee in Subsec. (c) and added provision re milk components in Subsec. (e).