Sec. 22-111mm. Definitions.
Sec. 22-111mm. Definitions. As used in sections 22-111nn to 22-111xx, inclusive:
(1) "Person" means an individual, partnership, corporation, limited liability company or association;
(2) "Distribute" means to offer for sale, sell, exchange or barter, or to supply, furnish
or otherwise provide;
(3) "Distributor" means any person who distributes;
(4) "Agricultural liming material" means a product containing calcium and magnesium compounds capable of and used for neutralizing soil acidity;
(5) "Limestone" means an agricultural liming material consisting essentially of calcium carbonate or a combination of calcium carbonate with magnesium carbonate capable of neutralizing soil;
(6) "Burnt lime" means a calcined material composed chiefly of calcium oxide in
natural association with lesser amounts of magnesium, and that is capable of slaking
with water;
(7) "Hydrated lime" means a dry material made from burnt lime;
(8) "Marl" means a granular or loosely consolidated earthy material composed
largely of shell fragments and calcium carbonate precipitated in ponds;
(9) "Industrial coproduct" means any industrial waste or by-product containing calcium or calcium and magnesium in forms that will neutralize soil acidity, including, but
not limited to, such products designated by prefixing the name of the industry or process
by which it is produced, such as gas-house lime, tanners' lime, acetylene lime-waste,
lime-kiln ashes or calcium silicate;
(10) "Brand" means the term, trademark, product name or other specific designation
under which individual agricultural liming material is offered for sale;
(11) "Fineness" means the percentage by weight of the material which will pass
U.S. Standard sieves of specified sizes;
(12) "Ton" means a net weight of two thousand pounds avoirdupois;
(13) "Per cent" or "percentages" means a portion of an agricultural liming material
by weight;
(14) "Official sample" means a sample of agricultural liming material taken by the
commissioner or the commissioner's designee in accordance with the provisions of
section 22-111qq;
(15) "Bulk" means without packaging;
(16) "Label" means any handwritten or printed matter on or attached to a package
containing agricultural liming materials or on the delivery ticket that accompanies bulk
(17) "Calcium Carbonate Equivalent (CCE)" means the acid neutralizing capacity
of a carbonate rock expressed as a percentage of the acid neutralizing capacity of pure
calcium carbonate;
(18) "Weight" means the weight of undried material as offered for sale;
(19) "Director" means the director of the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station; and
(20) "Commissioner" means the Commissioner of Agriculture.
(P.A. 00-96, S. 13, 25; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 146(e); P.A. 04-189, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 00-96 effective July 1, 2000; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6 replaced Commissioner of Agriculture with
Commissioner of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, effective July 1, 2004; P.A. 04-189 repealed Sec. 146 of June 30
Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, thereby reversing the merger of the Departments of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, effective
June 1, 2004.