Sec. 22-52. Marking of packages.
Sec. 22-52. Marking of packages. Each closed package of apples packed or repacked in the state and intended for sale, either within or without the state, shall have
marked in a conspicuous place on the package in plain letters the following statements:
(1) The minimum size of the apples contained therein; (2) the name of the variety; (3)
the name and address of the person by whose authority the apples were packed; (4) the
grade designation of the package contents. If the true name of the variety is not known
by the person by whose authority the apples were packed, such statement shall include
the words "variety unknown". Each closed package of apples which is repacked shall
bear the name and address of the person by whose authority the apples are repacked in
place of that of the original owner. The minimum size shall be determined by taking
the transverse diameter of the smallest fruit in the package at right angles to the stem
and blossom end, shall be stated in variations of one-quarter of an inch and may be
designated by using figures instead of words. The word "minimum" may be designated
by using the abbreviation "min."
(1949 Rev., S. 3090; 1957, P.A. 144, S. 5.)