Sec. 21a-256. (Formerly Sec. 19-463). Labeling of package or container of controlled substances.
Sec. 21a-256. (Formerly Sec. 19-463). Labeling of package or container of controlled substances. (a) When a manufacturer sells or dispenses a controlled substance
and when a wholesaler sells, dispenses or distributes a controlled substance in a package
prepared by him, he shall securely affix to each package in which that substance is
contained a label showing in legible English the name and address of the vendor and
the quantity, kind and form of controlled substance contained therein and any additional
information required under the federal food and drug laws and the state food, drug and
cosmetic laws. No person, except a practitioner dispensing a controlled substance under
this chapter, shall alter, deface or remove any label so affixed.
(b) When a pharmacist sells or dispenses any controlled substance on prescription
issued by a physician, advanced practice registered nurse, physician assistant, podiatrist,
dentist or veterinarian, the pharmacist shall affix, to the container in which such substance is sold or dispensed, a label showing the name and address of the pharmacy for
which the pharmacist is lawfully acting, the full name of the patient, or, if the patient
is an animal, the name of the owner of the animal and the species of the animal, the last
name of the physician, advanced practice registered nurse, physician assistant, podiatrist, dentist or veterinarian by whom the prescription was written, such directions as
may be stated on the prescription, the serial number of the prescription, the date of filling
or refilling and any cautionary statement in such prescription as may be required by law.
(c) When aqueous or oleaginous preparations are sold under subsection (c) of section 21a-250, a label shall be affixed to the container containing the preparation which
bears the name, address and BNDD numbers of the vendor and vendee, the date of sale,
the kind and quantity of substance sold and the serial number of the official written
order. No person shall alter, deface or remove any label affixed pursuant to subsection
(b) or this subsection.
(1967, P.A. 555, S. 19; 1972, P.A. 278, S. 11; P.A. 73-681, S. 10, 29; P.A. 82-419, S. 39, 47; P.A. 96-19, S. 3; P.A.
99-102, S. 36.)
History: 1972 act replaced "drug" with "substance" throughout section, made Subsec. (b) provisions applicable to
podiatrists' prescriptions, required label to include prescription serial number, date of filing and necessary precautionary
statements and deleted provision re label requirements for narcotic drugs, and replaced "registry" with "BNDD" numbers
in Subsec. (c); P.A. 73-681 specified "aqueous or oleaginous" preparations in Subsec. (c); P.A. 82-419 amended Subsec.
(b) to permit physician's last name only, rather than full name, on label and to change date of filing to date of filling or
refilling; Sec. 19-463 transferred to Sec. 21a-256 in 1983; P.A. 96-19 expanded reference to prescriptions by physicians
in Subsec. (b) to include advanced practice registered nurses and physician assistants; P.A. 99-102 amended Subsec. (b)
by deleting obsolete references to osteopathy and making technical changes.