Sec. 21a-252. (Formerly Sec. 19-460). Prescription and dispensing of controlled substances by certain practitioners. Surrender of unused substances by patients.
Sec. 21a-252. (Formerly Sec. 19-460). Prescription and dispensing of controlled substances by certain practitioners. Surrender of unused substances by
patients. (a) A physician, in good faith and in the course of the physician's professional
practice only, may prescribe, administer and dispense controlled substances, or may
cause the same to be administered by a physician assistant, nurse or intern under the
physician's direction and supervision, for demonstrable physical or mental disorders but
not for drug dependence except in accordance with state and federal laws and regulations
adopted thereunder. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subsection the Department
of Consumer Protection may approve protocols allowing the dispensing of take-home
doses of methadone, by a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse, to outpatients in
duly licensed substance abuse treatment facilities. Such dispensing shall be done pursuant to the order of a licensed prescribing practitioner and using computerized dispensing
equipment into which bulk supplies of methadone are dispensed by a pharmacist. The
quantity of methadone dispensed by such nurse shall not exceed at any one time that
amount allowed under federal or state statutes or regulations governing the treatment
of drug dependent patients. The Department of Consumer Protection shall conduct inspections of such treatment facilities to ensure that the computerized dispensing equipment and related dispensing procedures documented in the approved protocols are adhered to.
(b) A dentist, in good faith and in the course of the dentist's professional practice
only, may prescribe, administer or dispense controlled substances, or may cause the
same to be administered by a nurse under the dentist's direction and supervision, to the
extent permitted by the federal Controlled Substances Act, federal food and drug laws
and state laws and regulations relating to dentistry.
(c) A podiatrist, in good faith and in the course of the podiatrist's professional practice only, may prescribe, administer and dispense controlled substances in schedules II,
III, IV or V, or may cause the same to be administered by a nurse under the podiatrist's
direction and supervision, to the extent permitted by the federal Controlled Substances
Act, the federal food and drug laws and state laws and regulations relating to podiatry.
(d) A veterinarian, in good faith in the course of the veterinarian's professional
practice only, and not for use by a human being, may prescribe, administer and dispense
controlled substances, and may cause them to be administered by an assistant or orderly
under the veterinarian's direction and supervision, to the extent permitted by the federal
Controlled Substances Act, the federal food and drug laws and state laws and regulations
relating to veterinary medicine.
(e) An advanced practice registered nurse licensed pursuant to section 20-94a, in
good faith and in the course of such nurse's professional practice only, may prescribe,
dispense, and administer controlled substances in schedule II, III, IV or V, or may cause
the same to be administered by a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse under the
advanced practice registered nurse's direction and supervision, to the extent permitted
by the federal Controlled Substances Act, the federal food and drug laws and state laws
and regulations relating to advanced nursing practice.
(f) A nurse-midwife licensed under chapter 377, in good faith and in the course of
the nurse-midwife's professional practice only, may prescribe, dispense, and administer
controlled substances in schedules II, III, IV and V, or may cause the same to be administered by a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse under the nurse-midwife's direction and supervision, to the extent permitted by the federal Controlled Substances Act,
the federal food and drug laws and state laws.
(g) A physician assistant licensed pursuant to section 20-12b, in good faith and in
the course of the physician assistant's professional practice only, may prescribe, dispense, and administer controlled substances in schedule II, III, IV or V, or may cause
the same to be administered by an advanced practice registered nurse, registered nurse,
or licensed practical nurse who is acting under a physician's direction, to the extent
permitted by the federal Controlled Substances Act, the federal food and drug laws and
state laws and regulations relating to physician assistant practice.
(h) An optometrist authorized to practice advanced optometrical care, in good faith
and in the course of the optometrist's professional practice only and who is duly authorized by section 20-127, may prescribe, administer or dispense controlled substances in
schedule II, III, IV or V to the extent permitted by the federal Controlled Substances
Act, the federal food and drug laws and state laws and regulations relating to optometry.
(i) Any person who has obtained directly from a physician, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist, veterinarian, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse or nurse-midwife any controlled substance for self-administration or administration to a patient
during the absence of such physician, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist, veterinarian, physician assistant, advanced practice registered nurse or nurse-midwife shall return to such
physician, dentist, podiatrist, optometrist, veterinarian, physician assistant, advanced
practice registered nurse or nurse-midwife any unused portion of such controlled substance, when it is no longer required by the person or the patient, or may surrender such
controlled substance to the Commissioner of Consumer Protection for proper disposition.
(1967, P.A. 555, S. 16; 1969, P.A. 578, S. 2; 1972, P.A. 278, S. 8; 294, S. 43; P.A. 73-616, S. 62, 67; 73-681, S. 8, 29;
P.A. 85-120, S. 1, 2; P.A. 89-389, S. 14, 22; P.A. 90-211, S. 14, 23; P.A. 91-224, S. 2; P.A. 95-332, S. 5; P.A. 96-70, S.
2; P.A. 99-102, S. 35; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 146(c), (d); P.A. 04-169, S. 17; 04-189, S. 1.)
History: 1969 act inserted new Subsec. (d) re podiatrists and relettered former Subsecs. (d) and (e) accordingly, adding
podiatrists in new Subsec. (f), formerly (d); 1972 acts replaced references to drugs, controlled drugs and narcotic drugs
with "controlled substance(s)", amended Subsec. (a) to replace "part III" with "state and federal laws and regulations",
amended Subsecs. (b) and (c) to replace "federal narcotic laws" with "Federal Controlled Substances Act", amended
Subsecs. (d) and (e) to replace reference to Sec. 20-250 with reference to Federal Controlled Substances Act and food and
drug laws and state laws relating to podiatry and required surrender of drugs to health commissioner rather than department
in Subsec. (f); P.A. 73-616 made technical changes; P.A. 73-681 specified schedule II, III, IV or V substances in Subsec.
(d), replaced incorrect reference to podiatry in Subsec. (e) with "veterinary medicine" and replaced health commissioner
with commissioner of consumer protection in Subsec. (f); Sec. 19-460 transferred to Sec. 21a-252 in 1983; P.A. 85-120
amended Subsec. (a) to authorize a physician assistant to administer controlled substances under the direction and supervision of a physician; P.A. 89-389 added Subsecs. (f) and (g), relettered the existing Subsec. (f) as Subsec. (h) and amended
Subsec. (h) to add the references to advanced practice registered nurses and nurse-midwives; P.A. 90-211 amended Subsec.
(f) to add language pertaining to the prescribing, dispensing and administering of controlled substances in schedules II
and III and removed language pertaining to the prescribing and administering of controlled substances by nurse anesthetists
and inserted new Subsec. (h) pertaining to physician assistants, relettering and amending former Subsec. (h) accordingly;
P.A. 91-224 amended Subsec. (f) by deleting language requiring a physician to cosign a prescription for a Schedule II or
III controlled substance; P.A. 95-332 amended Subsec. (a) to allow the Department of Consumer Protection to approve
protocols that permit the dispensing of methadone by a registered nurse or licensed practical nurse; P.A. 96-70 inserted
new Subsec. (i) concerning optometrists, relettering existing Subsec. as (j); P.A. 99-102 deleted Subsec. (b) re obsolete
reference to osteopathy, relettered the remaining Subsecs., deleted obsolete references to osteopathy in redesignated Subsec.
(i) and made technical changes reflecting gender neutrality; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6 and P.A. 04-169 replaced Commissioner and Department of Consumer Protection with Commissioner and Department of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, effective July 1, 2004; P.A. 04-189 repealed Sec. 146 of June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, thereby reversing the merger
of the Departments of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, effective June 1, 2004.
See Sec. 17a-714a re legal protections for licensed health care professionals who prescribe opioid antagonists to
drug users.
Annotations to former section 19-460:
Cited. 7 CA 403.
Subsec. (a):
Cited. 204 C. 377.
Annotations to present section:
Cited. 7 CA 403. Cited. 17 CA 257.
Subsec. (a):
Cited. 204 C. 156; Id., 377. Cited. 240 C. 799.
Use of "and" does not require that physician do all three acts, i.e. prescribe, administer and dispense, re controlled
substances to come within exception provide by subsec. to avoid liability under Sec. 21a-277(b) or 21a-278(b). 82 CA 435.