Sec. 21a-157. (Formerly Sec. 19-289). Communicable diseases bar to employment. Examination.

      Sec. 21a-157. (Formerly Sec. 19-289). Communicable diseases bar to employment. Examination. No employer shall knowingly permit to work in his bakery any person who is affected with pulmonary tuberculosis or a scrofulous or venereal disease or with a communicable skin affection or with diphtheria, dysentery, paratyphoid fever, poliomyelitis, scarlet fever, smallpox, streptococcus sore throat, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, gonorrhea or syphilis, except in those cases in which the director of health has given written authorization stating that the public health is not endangered, and each employer shall maintain himself and his employees in a clean and sanitary condition, with clean, washable outer clothing, while engaged in the manufacture, handling or sale of food products. The commissioner or his authorized agents may order any person employed in a bakery to be examined by a licensed physician if he has reason to believe that such employee has any disease enumerated above. No person shall be allowed to smoke in a bakery while in the performance of his duty.

      (1949 Rev., S. 4007; 1949, S. 2111d.)

      History: Sec. 19-289 transferred to Sec. 21a-157 in 1983.