Sec. 21-71. Revocation, suspension or refusal to renew license for violation. Fine. Remedies available to residents.
Sec. 21-71. Revocation, suspension or refusal to renew license for violation.
Fine. Remedies available to residents. (a) The department may revoke, suspend or
refuse to renew any license to operate a mobile manufactured home park for a violation
of any provision of this chapter or any regulations issued hereunder or any other state
or local law or regulation, after hearing, except that if the department upon investigation
finds a licensee is not providing adequate sewerage facilities, electrical, plumbing or
sanitary services, water supply or fire protection, suspension of the license shall be
automatic, provided such licensee shall be entitled to a hearing before the department
within five days after such suspension. A license may be reinstated or reissued if the
circumstances leading to the violation have been remedied and the park is being maintained and operated in full compliance with this chapter and the regulations hereunder.
Each officer, board, commission or department of the state or any local government shall
assist the department with technical data on sewerage facilities, electrical, plumbing
or sanitary services, water supply or fire protection and shall submit such data to the
department for the department's use in any hearing held pursuant to this section. In
addition to revoking, suspending or refusing to renew any license to operate a mobile
manufactured home park, the department may impose a fine of not less than fifty nor
more than three hundred dollars for each day that such violation continues. In connection
with any investigation the Commissioner of Consumer Protection or the commissioner's
authorized agent may administer oaths, issue subpoenas, compel testimony and order
the production of books, records and documents. The commissioner may issue an appropriate order to any owner found to be in violation of any provision of this chapter or
any regulation issued hereunder, providing for the immediate discontinuance of the
violation. Each owner shall retain all leases, disclosure statements, rules and regulations
required under this chapter for at least four years after any resident to whom they relate
vacates the park. If an inspection by the department reveals a violation of any provision
of this chapter or any regulation issued hereunder, the cost of all reinspections necessary
to determine compliance with any such provision shall be assumed by the owner, except
that if a first reinspection indicates compliance with such provision, no charge shall be
(b) In addition to any other available remedies, the provisions of section 47a-14h
shall be available to all residents in a mobile manufactured home park including residents
who own their own units.
(1972, P.A. 186, S. 8; P.A. 74-37; P.A. 77-460; 77-614, S. 249, 610; P.A. 81-322, S. 3; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-3, S. 9;
P.A. 84-83, S. 4, 10; P.A. 90-242, S. 1, 5; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 146(c); P.A. 04-189, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 74-37 provided for state and local assistance with technical data for the commission; P.A. 77-460 provided
for imposition of fine between $50 and $300 for each day of violation in addition to revocation of permit or license; P.A.
77-614 deleted reference to Sec. 20-321 in connection with hearing, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 81-322 added powers
to suspend or refuse to renew permits or licenses; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-3 changed references to real estate commission
to department of consumer protection, changed "mobile home" to "mobile manufactured home", deleted references to
park permittees and specified the powers of the commissioner of consumer protection in connection with investigations,
the act also required park owners to retain records for at least four years and to pay the cost of reinspections by the department
in some instances; P.A. 84-83 changed references to Secs. 21-64 to 21-75, inclusive, to "this chapter or any regulation
issued hereunder"; P.A. 90-242 added Subsec. (b) re the availability to all residents of the remedies provided by Sec. 47a-14h; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6 replaced Commissioner of Consumer Protection with Commissioner of Agriculture and
Consumer Protection, effective July 1, 2004; P.A. 04-189 repealed Sec. 146 of June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, thereby reversing
the merger of the Departments of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, effective June 1, 2004.
Cited. 178 C. 586. Cited. 208 C. 620.