Sec. 21-70. Disclosure statement. Rental agreements and renewals. Notice when home or lot located in common interest community. Adoption of rules and regulations. Documents filed with department. Noti
Sec. 21-70. Disclosure statement. Rental agreements and renewals. Notice
when home or lot located in common interest community. Adoption of rules and
regulations. Documents filed with department. Notice of proposed land use change
or sale. Purchase of mobile manufactured home park by association of unit homeowners. (a) The Commissioner of Consumer Protection shall adopt regulations, in accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, providing for a disclosure statement which
shall be used by mobile manufactured home park owners. The disclosure statement shall
be a plain language summary of the rights and obligations listed in this chapter and shall
not add to or diminish the rights and obligations provided by this chapter. Such disclosure
statement shall include at least the following information: (1) The monthly rental fee
and all considerations payable by the resident to the owner; (2) the length of the rental
term; (3) the amount of land granted by the rental agreement; (4) an enumeration of
goods and services to be provided to the resident, including those goods and services
to be provided free of charge; (5) notice if the owner plans to terminate the operation
of the park during the term of the rental agreement; (6) a statement of conditions to be
complied with by the owner and resident in the event of the sale of the mobile manufactured home by the resident, including aesthetic standards for resale, which conditions
shall not be altered by the owner after the rental agreement has been entered into; (7)
the rights of residents regarding eviction under section 21-80; (8) the rights of residents
regarding the resale of a mobile manufactured home under section 21-79; (9) the rights
of residents in the event that alterations of the rules concerning the resident's use and
occupancy of the premises under subsection (b) of this section are to be made; (10)
notice that outstanding property taxes may be owed on the mobile manufactured home;
and (11) notice that there may be liens and other encumbrances on the mobile manufactured home and that the resident or purchaser should check with the town clerk, tax
assessor and tax collector to determine whether any taxes are due on the mobile manufactured home and within any liens or encumbrances on the mobile manufactured home
exist. Owners shall provide each prospective resident, before any rental agreement is
entered into, and each resident, at the time of the first renewal of his rental agreement
which occurs after the effective date of the regulations providing for a disclosure statement, with a completed disclosure statement. No rental agreement entered into on or
after the effective date of the regulations providing for a disclosure statement shall be
enforceable until the requirements of this subsection are met. A copy of such statement
shall be signed by the resident at the time of the rental, acknowledging receipt of a
completed, signed copy and such completed, signed copy shall be kept on file by the
owner for a period of four years after such resident vacates the park.
(b) No owner may offer a mobile manufactured home or a mobile manufactured
home space or lot for rent without providing the prospective resident with a copy of an
initial written rental agreement before the resident occupies such mobile manufactured
home or lot. No owner may rent a mobile manufactured home or mobile manufactured
home space or lot to a new resident until a written rental agreement has been signed by
the resident and the owner. The initial rental agreement and all renewals offered to a
resident by the owner shall be in writing. The term of each rental agreement and renewal
shall not be less than one year unless the resident requests, in writing, a term for less than
one year. If the owner fails to offer the resident a written renewal of a rental agreement, or
if the owner offers a renewal but the resident fails or refuses to sign it, unless there is a
disagreement as to the amount of the rent, the prior rental agreement shall be deemed
to be extended for one year at the then prevailing park rental and the resident shall be
bound by all terms of the prior rental agreement and any prevailing park rental adopted
after the prior rental and all rules and regulations properly applicable to such prior rental
agreement pursuant to subsection (d) of this section. If there is a disagreement as to the
amount of the rent, unless the owner terminates the lease and brings an action of summary
process, the prior rental agreement shall be deemed to be extended on a month-to-month
basis at the last agreed-upon rent, and the resident shall be bound by all terms of the
prior rental agreement and all rules and regulations properly applicable to such prior
rental agreement pursuant to subsection (d) of this section. In such an event, the owner
may bring an action of summary process pursuant to section 21-80, or the resident may
seek relief under section 47a-23c or sections 7-148b to 7-148f, inclusive, if applicable.
(c) Whenever a resident rents a mobile manufactured home or a mobile manufactured home space or lot in a mobile manufactured home park which is also a common
interest community from a declarant, successor declarant or person acting on the declarant's or successor declarant's behalf, such declarant, successor declarant or person shall,
prior to entering into a rental agreement, provide the resident with a written notice that
the mobile manufactured home or the mobile manufactured home space or lot is located
in a common interest community.
(d) An owner, from time to time, may adopt a rule or regulation, however described,
concerning the resident's use and occupancy of the premises. Such rule or regulation
shall be enforceable against the resident only if (1) the purpose of the rule or regulation
is to promote the convenience, safety or welfare of the residents, preserve the owner's
property from abusive use or make a fair distribution of services and facilities held out
for the residents generally; (2) such rule or regulation is reasonably related to the purpose
for which it is adopted; (3) such rule or regulation applies to all residents on the premises
in a fair manner, provided reasonable exemptions may be made for good cause; (4) such
rule or regulation is sufficiently explicit in its prohibition, direction or limitation of the
resident's conduct to fairly inform him of what he shall or shall not do to comply, and
(5) the resident has written notice of such rule or regulation at the time he enters into
the rental agreement or when such rule or regulation is adopted. A rule or regulation
having the effect of substantially modifying the terms of a rental agreement previously
entered into by a resident shall not apply to such rental agreement without the written
consent of the resident.
(e) Each owner shall file with the Department of Consumer Protection copies of
the park's rental agreements, aesthetic standards to be complied with by the owner and
resident in the event of the sale of the mobile manufactured home by the resident, and
rules or regulations concerning the resident's use and occupancy of the premises. Any
change in the documents required to be filed under this subsection, other than a change
in rent, shall be filed with the Department of Consumer Protection. No rental agreements,
aesthetic standards, or rules or regulations, and no changes in the terms or provisions
of such documents, other than a change in rent, shall be effective until such documents
or changes are filed with the Department of Consumer Protection.
(f) (1) Any person making an application to appear before any municipal, state or
federal agency with respect to any matter changing the land use of a specific mobile
manufactured home park shall give written notice of the application by first class mail
addressed to the affected units of the park or by personal delivery to the units not later
than seven days after its filing. The notice shall state the reasons for which the application
was filed.
(2) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (5) of this subsection, any mobile
manufactured home park owner who intends to discontinue the use of the land as a
mobile manufactured home park or to sell land used as a mobile manufactured home
park to any person who intends to discontinue its use as a mobile manufactured home
park shall give written notice by first class mail addressed to each mobile manufactured
home unit or by personal delivery to each unit upon such land if such transaction will
entail the discontinuance of the use of the land for mobile manufactured home park
purposes. If an owner of a mobile manufactured home has given the park owner written
notice that the owner resides in a place other than the owner's unit, notice shall be sent
by first class mail to the address so provided. The notice shall include a statement advising the recipient of the intended discontinuance of use or sale and, except as otherwise
provided in subdivision (5) of this subsection, shall be mailed or delivered at least one
hundred twenty days prior to the discontinuance of the use of the land as a mobile
manufactured home park. The notice may run concurrently with the notice required by
subdivision (3) of subsection (a) of section 21-80 or subparagraph (E) of subdivision
(1) of subsection (b) of section 21-80. A copy of such notice from the park owner shall
be sent to any association of residents of the mobile manufactured home park which
has made a written request for such notice.
(3) Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (5) of this subsection, within one
hundred twenty days after the notice provided for in subdivision (2) of this subsection
has been mailed, any association representing twenty-five per cent or more of the units
in the park, including an association formed after the issuance of the notice, may notify
the owner of the park that it is interested in purchasing the mobile manufactured home
park. A copy of such notice may be filed on the land records of the town in which the
mobile manufactured home park is located. If such notice is given, except as otherwise
provided in subdivision (5) of this subsection, the association shall have three hundred
sixty-five days after the notice required in subdivision (2) of this subsection has been
given to purchase the park through negotiation or the method set forth in subdivision
(4) of this subsection. Upon the request of the association, the Department of Economic
and Community Development shall assist the association in developing financing for
the purchase of the park.
(4) If the association and the park owner cannot agree upon a purchase price, the
association shall have the right to purchase the property: (A) If the association matches
the essential provisions of any existing bona fide offer to purchase the park made by
another potential purchaser which offer by such other purchaser the owner is prepared
to accept; or (B) if there is no such offer, at a purchase price to be established by an
appraiser chosen by the association and the park owner. If the two parties cannot agree
upon one appraiser, either party may notify the other, in writing, of such disagreement,
and the association shall choose an appraiser, the park owner shall choose an appraiser,
and the two appraisers shall choose a third appraiser, which three appraisers shall establish a value of the park. If the park owner refuses to select an appraiser within fifteen
days of such notice, the Commissioner of Consumer Protection shall choose an appraiser
for the park owner. The costs of all appraisers shall be paid equally by the association
and the park owner. Except as otherwise provided in subdivision (5) of this subsection,
if, within three hundred sixty-five days from the mailing of the notice required in subdivision (2) of this subsection, no agreement for such sale signed by the association and the
park owner has been filed upon the land records, or if the association has not filed a
certified statement to purchase the park at the appraised value which value shall also
be certified on the land records by the appraiser or appraisers, the right provided in this
subsection to purchase the park shall be void and any recorded notice filed pursuant to
subdivision (3) of this subsection shall be void.
(5) In any case in which a mobile manufactured home park with two hundred or
more units in which a majority of residents have been given written notice, prior to June
10, 1999, of the intended discontinuance of the use of the land as a mobile manufactured
home park, regardless of whether one or more of such notices or the service of such
notices is subsequently deemed invalid or ineffective, (A) any subsequent notice of such
intended discontinuance that is given or required to be given after June 23, 1999, by the
owner pursuant to this subsection, and (B) any notice given or action taken pursuant to
this subsection after June 23, 1999, by any association representing twenty-five per cent
or more of the units in the park shall be subject to the time limitations contained in this
subsection that were in effect immediately prior to June 23, 1999.
(1972, P.A. 186, S. 7; P.A. 73-57, S. 3; 73-94, S. 1, 2; P.A. 74-333, S. 10, 12; P.A. 76-143, S. 2, 4; P.A. 81-322, S. 2;
P.A. 83-389, S. 2; 83-456, S. 1, 7; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-3, S. 1, 8; P.A. 84-83, S. 3, 10; 84-546, S. 62, 173; P.A. 85-512,
S. 1; P.A. 91-383, S. 4, 31; P.A. 93-283; P.A. 95-250, S. 1; P.A. 96-211, S. 1, 5, 6; P.A. 99-201, S. 1, 6; P.A. 01-195, S.
86, 181; June 30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, S. 146(c), (d); P.A. 04-169, S. 17; 04-189, S. 1.)
History: P.A. 73-57 substituted "resident" for "mobile home owner" and provided for the completed signed copy to be
kept on file for one year after resident vacates the park; P.A. 73-94 amended P.A. 73-57 to provide an effective date of
April 1, 1973; P.A. 74-333 substituted "owner" for "permittee or licensee" where appearing and added new Subsec. (b)
providing for showing of rental agreement when offering a home or space and for executing such agreement which is to
be for at least a year's term unless lesser term is requested in writing by the resident; P.A. 76-143 added in Subsec. (a)(5)
provision that conditions not to be altered by owner after execution of agreement and further provided for approval of the
standard statement and modifications by the commission where it meets minimum standards; P.A. 81-322 amended section
to require that resident consent in writing to the application of a rule or regulation substantially modifying the terms of a
rental agreement entered into prior to the adoption of the rule or regulation; P.A. 83-389 required owner to give statement
to each resident at time of first renewal of rental agreement following October 1, 1983, added Subsec. (a)(6) to (8), added
provision concerning enforceability of agreements, required written renewal agreements, prohibited waiver of chapter
provisions in rental agreements and added Subsec. (c) concerning review and approval of agreements, rules, standards and
regulations; P.A. 83-456 amended Subsec. (a) to require owner to inform prospective resident of plans to terminate operation
of the park and added Subsec. (c) requiring notice to residents of appearance before governmental agency with respect to
matters affecting land use of a mobile home park and giving residents a purchase option in the event that a park is to be
closed; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 83-3 changed references to real estate commission to department of consumer protection,
changed term "mobile home" to "mobile manufactured home", required retention of copies of statement for four years
instead of one year and required that resident's notice of rules or regulations be in writing; P.A. 84-83 clarified notice
requirements in Subsec. (d), requiring written notice by first class mail or by personal delivery to units affected by a
proposed change in the use of land used as mobile home park or whenever the sale of such land is proposed; P.A. 84-546
made technical changes in Subsecs. (a) and (b); P.A. 85-512 required commissioner to adopt regulations providing for a
disclosure statement to be used by park owners, deleted references to owner's written statements, deleted requirement that
department review and approve rental agreements, standards and regulations and deleted provision re purchase option on
sale of park; P.A. 91-383 added Subsec. (a)(10)and (11) re notice of outstanding property taxes and re notice of liens and
other encumbrances on the mobile manufactured home, amended Subsec. (b) to provide that the term of each renewal shall
not be less than one year, and to add provisions re the extension of the rental agreement for one year at the then prevailing
park rental when there is no disagreement as to the amount of the rent or on a month-to-month basis at the last agreed-upon rent when there is disagreement as to the amount of the rent and to specify legal remedies available to the owner and
resident, inserted a new Subsec. (c) requiring the declarant to notify a prospective resident when the mobile manufactured
home or home space or lot is located in a common interest community, designated as Subsec. (d) provisions formerly part
of Subsec. (b) re the adoption of rules and regulations by the owner, and relettered former Subsecs. (c) and (d) as (d) and
(e), respectively; P.A. 93-283 amended Subsec. (f)(2) to require a mobile manufactured home park owner who intends to
discontinue the use of the land as a mobile manufactured home park to give written notice to each home unit and to residents'
associations and added Subsec. (f)(3) and (4) re procedure allowing associations to purchase park; P.A. 95-250 and P.A. 96-211 replaced Commissioner and Department of Housing with Commissioner and Department of Economic and Community
Development; P.A. 99-201 amended Subsec. (f) to make technical and gender neutral changes, to increase the amount of
notice to be given by a park owner to a mobile manufactured home owner about intended discontinuance of use or sale of
land used as a mobile manufactured home park from 90 to 120 days in Subdiv. (2), to increase the amount of notice to be
given by an association intending to purchase such parks from 90 to 120 days following receipt of a park owner's notice
of discontinuance of use or sale in Subdiv. (3), to increase the time period for an association's purchase of such park from
180 to 365 days following receipt of a park owner's notice of discontinuance of use or sale in Subdivs. (3) and (4) and to
add new Subdiv. (5) to establish time limitations for certain park owners who give subsequent notices after June 23, 1999,
and for certain associations that take action on such notices after June 23, 1999, effective June 23, 1999 (Revisor's note:
A reference in Subsec. (f)(2) to "provided in subsection (5)" was changed editorially by the Revisors to "provided in
subdivision (5)" for consistency); P.A. 01-195 made a technical change in Subsec. (f)(5), effective July 11, 2001; June 30
Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6 and P.A. 04-169 replaced Commissioner and Department of Consumer Protection with Commissioner
and Department of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, effective July 1, 2004; P.A. 04-189 repealed Sec. 146 of June
30 Sp. Sess. P.A. 03-6, thereby reversing the merger of the Departments of Agriculture and Consumer Protection, effective
June 1, 2004.
Cited. 208 C. 620.
Subsec. (b):
Cited. 30 CA 371.
Cited. 36 CS 515.