Sec. 19a-7b. Health Care Access Commission.
Sec. 19a-7b. Health Care Access Commission. (a) There is established a Health
Care Access Commission, within the legislative department, which shall be comprised
of: (1) The Commissioner of Public Health; (2) the Commissioner of Social Services;
(3) the Insurance Commissioner; (4) the Commissioner of Health Care Access; (5) three
members appointed by the president pro tempore of the Senate, one of whom shall be
a member of the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance
of matters relating to public health, one of whom shall represent community health
centers and one of whom shall represent mental health services; (6) two members appointed by the majority leader of the Senate, one of whom shall represent commercial
insurance companies and one of whom shall represent the disabled; (7) three members
appointed by the minority leader of the Senate, one of whom shall be a member of the
joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating
to appropriations and the budgets of state agencies, one of whom shall represent Blue
Cross and Blue Shield of Connecticut, Inc. and one of whom shall represent small business; (8) three members appointed by the speaker of the House of Representatives, one
of whom shall be a member of the joint standing committee of the General Assembly
having cognizance of matters relating to human services, one of whom shall represent
consumers and one of whom shall represent labor; (9) two members appointed by the
majority leader of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall represent large
business and one of whom shall represent children; and (10) three members appointed
by the minority leader of the House of Representatives, one of whom shall be a member
of the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters
relating to insurance, one of whom shall represent hospitals and one of whom shall be
a pediatric primary care physician. All members of the commission may be represented
by designees.
(b) The commission shall develop the design, administrative, actuarial and financing details of program initiatives necessary to attain the goal described in section 19a-7a. The commission shall study the experience of the state under the programs and
policies developed pursuant to sections 12-201, 12-211, 12-212a, 17b-277, 17b-282 to
17b-284, inclusive, 17b-611, 19a-7a to 19a-7d, inclusive, subsection (a) of 19a-59b,
subsection (b) of section 38a-552, subsection (d) of section 38a-556 and sections 38a-564 to 38a-573, inclusive, and shall make interim reports to the General Assembly on
its findings by January 15, 1991, and by February 1, 1992, and a final report on such
findings by February 1, 1993. The commission shall make recommendations to the
General Assembly on any legislation necessary to further the attainment of the goal
described in section 19a-7a.
(c) The commission may request from all state agencies such information and assistance as it may require.
(d) The commission may accept any gifts, donations or bequests for any of the
purposes of this section and for the achievement of the goal described in section 19a-7a.
(P.A. 90-134, S. 2, 28; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-11, S. 16, 25; P.A. 93-262, S. 55, 87; P.A. 93-381, S. 9, 39; P.A. 95-257,
S. 12, 21, 39, 58; P.A. 96-227, S. 16; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 98-1, S. 16, 121; P.A. 01-195, S. 137, 181.)
History: June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-11 added an interim report due February 1, 1992, and extended the due date of the final
report to February 1, 1993; P.A. 93-262 amended Subsec. (a) to replace reference to commissioners of income maintenance
and human resources with commissioner of social services, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 93-381 replaced commissioner of
health services with commissioner of public health and addiction services, effective July 1, 1993; P.A. 95-257 replaced
Commissioner and Department of Public Health and Addiction Services with Commissioner and Department of Public
Health and replaced Commission on Hospitals and Health Care with Office of Health Care Access, effective July 1, 1995
(Revisor's note: A reference to "Commissioner of Insurance" was changed editorially by the Revisors to "Insurance
Commissioner" for consistency with customary statutory usage); P.A. 96-227 amended Subsec. (b) to correct the citation
to Sec. 38a-556; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 98-1 made a technical change in Subsec. (a), effective June 24, 1998; P.A. 01-195
amended Subsec. (a) to insert Subdiv. designators, make technical changes and substitute "the Commissioner of Health
Care Access" for "the chairman of the Office of Health Care Access", effective July 11, 2001.
See Sec. 19a-490a for definition of "community health center".