Sec. 19a-127o. Patient safety organizations.
Sec. 19a-127o. Patient safety organizations. (a) For purposes of this section:
(1) "Patient safety organization" means any public or private organization, or component of any such organization, whose primary activity is to improve patient safety
and the quality of health care delivery for patients receiving care through the collection,
aggregation, analysis or processing of medical or health care-related information submitted to it by health care providers;
(2) "Patient safety work product" means any information, documentation or communication, including, but not limited to, reports, records, memoranda, analyses, statements, root cause analyses, protocols or policies that (A) a health care provider prepares
exclusively for the purpose of disclosing to a patient safety organization, (B) is created
by a patient safety organization, or (C) contains the deliberations or analytical process
of a patient safety organization or between a patient safety organization and health care
providers participating in the evaluation of patient care; and
(3) "Health care provider" or "provider" means any person, corporation, limited
liability company, facility or institution operated, owned or licensed by this state to
provide health care or professional services, or an officer, employee or agent thereof
acting in the course and scope of his or her employment.
(b) (1) Any private or public organization or a component of any private or public
organization may apply to the Department of Public Health to be designated as a patient
safety organization.
(2) The department may designate as a patient safety organization each applicant
that (A) has a mission statement indicating its primary purpose is to conduct activities
to improve patient safety, (B) has qualified staff and professionals capable of reviewing
and producing patient safety work product, (C) is not a component of a health insurer
or other entity that provides health insurance to individuals or group health plans, and
(D) certifies that its mission does not create a conflict of interest with the health care
providers who will submit patient safety work product to it. Each hospital or outpatient
surgical facility shall seek to work with one or more patient safety organizations as they
become available. The department shall assist hospitals and outpatient surgical facilities
in developing working relationships with patient safety organizations.
(c) A health care provider shall enter into a written contract with each patient safety
organization to which it sends patient safety work product. Each contract shall require
the provider to maintain a document log itemizing the types of documents submitted to
patient safety organizations without indicating the content of such documents. Such
document log shall be accessible to the department for the sole purpose of allowing the
department to verify the type of information submitted to patient safety organizations.
The department shall not have access to patient safety work product. Notwithstanding
the provisions of sections 1-210, 1-211 and 1-213, such document log shall not be subject
to disclosure to, or use by, any person or entity, other than the patient safety organization
and the provider with which it has contracted, and by the department for the sole purpose
provided in this subsection.
(d) A patient safety organization shall, as appropriate, disseminate to health care
providers, the department, the Quality of Care Advisory Committee, as established by
section 19a-127l, and the public, information or recommendations, including suggested
policies, procedures or protocols, on best medical practices or potential system changes
designed to improve patient safety and the overall quality of care.
(e) A patient safety organization shall have in place appropriate safeguards and
security measures to ensure the technical integrity and physical safety of any patient
safety work product. Patient safety work product shall be confidential, and shall not be
subject to any discovery, access or use by any person or entity other than the patient
safety organization and the provider with which the patient safety organization has
contracted. Patient safety work product, if submitted to a public or governmental organization, shall not be subject to the provisions of section 1-210, 1-211 or 1-213. Nothing
in this subsection shall prohibit a patient safety organization from choosing to disclose
patient safety work product, or portions of patient safety work product, in conformity
with its mission and within its contractual obligations to the provider submitting the
information. No patient safety organization may release protected health information
or patient identifying information without meeting the requirements of state laws and
the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended
from time to time.
(f) A provider's disclosure of patient safety work product to a patient safety organization shall not modify, limit or waive any existing privilege or confidentiality protection.
(P.A. 04-164, S. 2.)
History: P.A. 04-164 effective July 1, 2004 (Revisor's note: In Subsec. (d) the word "section" was added editorially
by the Revisors before "19a-127l" for accuracy).