Sec. 17b-137. (Formerly Sec. 17-303). Disclosure of property of recipients of state aid, care or child support enforcement services. Disclosure of property of persons liable to support recipients or s
Sec. 17b-137. (Formerly Sec. 17-303). Disclosure of property of recipients of
state aid, care or child support enforcement services. Disclosure of property of
persons liable to support recipients or subject to IV-D support case investigation.
Access to records. Automated data match system. High-volume automated administrative enforcement. (a)(1)(A) Any person who has in his possession or control any
property of any person applying for or presently or formerly receiving aid or care or
child support enforcement services, as defined in subdivision (2) of subsection (b) of
section 46b-231, from the state or who is indebted to such applicant or recipient or
has knowledge of any insurance, including health insurance or property currently or
formerly belonging to him, or information pertaining to eligibility for such aid or care
or services, and any officer who has control of the books and accounts of any corporation
which has possession or control of any property belonging to any person applying for
or receiving such aid or care or services or who is indebted to him, or has knowledge
of any insurance, including health insurance or any person having in his employ any
such person, shall, upon presentation by the Commissioner of Social Services, or the
Commissioner of Administrative Services, or the Commissioner of Public Safety, or a
support enforcement officer of the Superior Court, or any person deputized by any of
them, of a certificate, signed by him, stating that such applicant, recipient or employee
has applied for or is receiving or has received such aid or care or services from the state,
make full disclosure to said commissioner, such officer or such deputy of any such
property, insurance, wages, indebtedness or information. Notwithstanding the provisions of this subparagraph, any health insurer, including a self-insured plan, group health
plan, as defined in Section 607(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of
1974, service benefit plan, managed care organization, health care center, pharmacy
benefit manager, dental benefit manager or other party that is, by statute, contract or
agreement, legally responsible for payment of a claim for a health care item or service,
which may or may not be financially at risk for the cost of a health care item or service,
shall, upon request of the Commissioner of Social Services, or the commissioner's designee, provide any and all information in a manner and format prescribed by the commissioner, or the commissioner's designee, to identify, determine or establish third-party
coverage, including all information necessary to determine during what period a person,
his or her spouse or his or her dependents may be, or may have been, covered by a health
insurer and the nature of the coverage that is or was provided by the health insurer,
including the name, address and identifying number of the plan. Such information shall
also be provided by such health insurer to all third-party administrators, pharmacy benefit managers, dental benefit managers or other entities with which the health insurer has
an arrangement to adjudicate claims for a health care item or service.
(B) At the request of the Commissioner of Social Services, any health insurer, including a self-insured plan, group health plan, as defined in Section 607(1) of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, service benefit plan, managed care
organization, health care center, pharmacy benefit manager, dental benefit manager or
other party that is, by statute, contract or agreement, legally responsible for payment of
a claim for a health care item or service, which may or may not be financially at risk
for the cost of a health care item or service, shall be required, to conduct, or to allow
the commissioner, or the commissioner's designee, to conduct automated data matches
to identify insurance coverage for recipients and the parents of recipients who are minors.
Upon completion of such matches the commissioner shall reimburse such companies
for the reasonable documented costs of conducting the matches.
(2) (A) Such disclosure may be obtained in like manner of the property, wages or
indebtedness of any person who is either: (i) Liable for the support of any such applicant
or recipient, including the parents of any child receiving aid or services through the
Department of Children and Families, or one adjudged or acknowledged to be the father
of an illegitimate child; or (ii) the subject of an investigation in a IV-D support case, as
defined in subdivision (13) of subsection (b) of section 46b-231. Any company or officer
who has control of the books and accounts of any corporation shall make full disclosure
to the IV-D agency, as defined in subdivision (12) of subsection (b) of section 46b-231,
or to the support enforcement officer of the Superior Court of any such property, wages or
indebtedness in all support cases, including IV-D support cases, as defined in subdivision
(13) of subsection (b) of section 46b-231.
(B) The Commissioner of Social Services, the Commissioner of Administrative
Services, the Commissioner of Public Safety or a support enforcement officer of the
Superior Court, or any person deputized by any of them, may compel, by subpoena, the
attendance and testimony under oath of any person who refuses to disclose in accordance
with the provisions of this section, or of any person who is either: (i) Liable for the
support of any such applicant or recipient; or (ii) the subject of an investigation in a IV-D support case, as defined in subdivision (13) of subsection (b) of section 46b-231, who
refuses to disclose his own financial circumstances, and may so compel the production
of books and papers pertaining to such information.
(C) The Commissioner of Social Services may subpoena the financial records of
any financial institution concerning property of any person applying for or presently or
formerly receiving aid or care from the state or who is indebted to such applicant or
recipient. The Commissioner of Social Services may subpoena such records of any
parent or parents of any child applying for or presently or formerly receiving assistance
under the aid to families with dependent children program, the temporary family assistance program or the state-administered general assistance program.
(D) The commissioner, or a support enforcement officer of the Superior Court, or
the person deputized by the commissioner or officer shall set a time and place for any
examination under this subdivision, and any person summoned who, without reasonable
excuse, fails to appear and testify or to produce such books and papers shall be fined
fifty dollars for each such offense.
(b) (1) Notwithstanding any provision of the general statutes, the IV-D agency shall
have access, including automated access in the case of records maintained in automated
data bases, to information contained in the following:
(A) Records of other state and local government agencies, including: (i) Vital statistics, including records of marriage, birth, death and dissolution of marriage; (ii) state and
local tax and revenue records, including information on residence address, employer,
income and assets; (iii) records concerning real and titled personal property; (iv) records
of occupational and professional licenses and records concerning the ownership and
control of corporations, partnerships and other business entities; (v) employment security records; (vi) records of agencies administering public assistance programs; (vii)
records of the Department of Motor Vehicles; and (viii) records of the Department of
(B) Certain records held by private entities with respect to individuals who owe or
are owed support, or against or with respect to whom a support order is sought, consisting
of: (i) The names and addresses of such individuals and the names and addresses of the
employers of such individuals, as appearing in customer records of public utilities, cable
television companies, and cellular mobile telephone and other wireless telecommunications service providers, pursuant to a subpoena issued under subsection (a) of this section; and (ii) information, including information on assets and liabilities, on such individuals held by financial institutions.
(2) (A) The IV-D agency shall safeguard all information secured by or made available to it pursuant to subdivision (1) of this subsection and shall not further disclose
any such information except in connection with the administration of the title IV-D
(B) Any entity that provides access to or discloses any information in accordance
with this subsection shall be relieved of any liability to any person for any such provision
or disclosure.
(c) (1) The IV-D agency and financial institutions, as defined in section 469A(d)(1)
of the Social Security Act, doing business in this state shall enter into agreements to
develop and operate a data match system, using automated data exchanges to the maximum extent feasible, in which each such financial institution is required to provide for
each calendar quarter the name, record address, Social Security number or other taxpayer
identification number and other identifying information for each noncustodial parent
who maintains an account at such institution and who owes past-due support, as identified by the IV-D agency by name and Social Security number or other taxpayer identification number. Upon completion of such matches, the commissioner shall reimburse
such financial institutions for the reasonable documented costs of conducting the
matches. For the purposes of this section, "account" means a demand deposit account,
checking or negotiable withdrawal order account, savings account, time deposit account
or money-market mutual fund account.
(2) A financial institution shall not be liable to any person for (A) disclosing information to the IV-D agency pursuant to this subsection, (B) encumbering or surrendering
any assets held by such institution in response to a notice issued under subsections (d)
and (e) of section 52-362d, or (C) any other action taken in good faith to comply with
the requirements of subdivision (1) of this subsection.
(d) (1) For the purposes of this subsection, "high-volume automated administrative
enforcement" means the identification of assets, through automated data matches with
financial institutions and other entities, as provided in this section and required by federal
law, and the seizure of such assets in accordance with subsections (d) and (e) of section
(2) The IV-D agency shall: (A) Use high-volume automated administrative enforcement, as defined in subdivision (1) of this subsection, to the same extent as in intrastate
cases; and (B) promptly report the results of such enforcement procedure to the requesting state.
(3) Support Enforcement Services or the IV-D agency may, by electronic or other
means, transmit to another state a request for assistance in enforcing support orders
administratively, in a manner similar to this subsection, which request shall: (A) Include
information that shall enable the state to which the request is transmitted to compare
the information about the cases to the information data bases of such state; and (B)
constitute a certification by this state (i) of the amount of support under an order the
payment of which is in arrears, and (ii) that this state has complied with all procedural
due process requirements applicable to each case.
(4) If the IV-D agency provides assistance under this subsection to another state
concerning a case, such case shall not be considered transferred to the caseload of the
IV-D agency.
(5) The IV-D agency shall maintain records of: (A) The number of requests for
assistance received under this subsection; (B) the number of cases for which such agency
collected support in response to such requests; and (C) the amount of such collected
(1949 Rev., S. 2621; 1951, 1953, S. 1453d; 1961, P.A. 262; 1967, P.A. 314, S. 8; 1971, P.A. 780; P.A. 73-18; P.A. 74-183, S. 215, 291; P.A. 75-420, S. 4, 6; P.A. 76-436, S. 184, 681; P.A. 77-614, S. 70, 587, 608, 610; P.A. 78-303, S. 85,
128, 136; P.A. 79-220; 79-631, S. 16, 111; P.A. 81-61, S. 4; 81-70; P.A. 83-295, S. 12; P.A. 90-213, S. 18, 56; June Sp.
Sess. P.A. 91-8, S. 12, 63; P.A. 93-262, S. 37, 87; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2, S. 61, 165; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-7, S.
9, 38; P.A. 99-193, S. 4, 16; P.A. 01-91, S. 2; P.A. 06-149, S. 1; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 07-2, S. 18; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 07-4, S. 120.)
History: 1961 act applied section to include persons receiving "care" from the state, added requirement for disclosure
of "insurance or" property "currently or formerly" owned, added fathers of illegitimate children to those liable and deleted
minimum of $10 for fine; 1967 act added the commissioner of finance and control as an enforcing agent for the section;
1971 act included reference to circuit court family relations officers and required disclosure of corporation books and
accounts relating to property, wages or indebtedness in support cases; P.A. 73-18 made provisions applicable to persons
currently or formerly receiving aid and included parents of children receiving aid under chapter 301 in liability; P.A. 74-183 replaced circuit court with court of common pleas and family relations division with family relations office; P.A. 75-420 replaced welfare commissioner with commissioner of social services; P.A. 76-436 replaced court of common pleas
with superior court, effective July 1, 1978; P.A. 77-614 replaced commissioner of finance and control with commissioner
of administrative services and, effective January 1, 1979, replaced commissioner of social services with commissioner of
income maintenance; P.A. 78-303 included commissioner of public safety as enforcing agency and in subpoena power;
P.A. 79-220 included commissioner of human resources in enforcement power and clarified subpoenas to be made by
income maintenance and human resources commissioners; P.A. 79-631 made technical correction; P.A. 81-61 deleted the
provision that the commissioner of income maintenance may subpoena financial records "under the provisions of sections
36-9j, 36-9k and 36-9l"; P.A. 81-70 specified health insurance as property subject to disclosure; P.A. 83-295 replaced
"family relations officer" with "family relations caseworker or support enforcement officer"; P.A. 90-213 deleted provisions relating to the responsibilities of the family relations caseworker; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 91-8 required insurance companies to conduct automated data matches to identify insurance coverage for recipients and parents of minor recipients
and authorized reimbursement of companies for expenses of conducting the match; P.A. 93-262 replaced references to
commissioners of income maintenance and human resources with commissioner of social services and deleted provision
re human resources commissioner's right to obtain disclosures re assistance cases, effective July 1, 1993; Sec. 17-303
transferred to Sec. 17b-137 in 1995; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-2 made technical and conforming changes, effective July
1, 1997; June 18 Sp. Sess. P.A. 97-7 amended Subsec. (a) by adding references to child enforcement support services and
IV-D agency and IV-D support cases and added Subsec. (b) re access of IV-D agency to vital statistics, tax and revenue
records, assets, real and titled personal property records, records re occupational and professional licenses, records re
corporations, employment security, public assistance, motor vehicles and Department of Correction, financial report and
provisions re disclosure safeguards and liabilities and added Subsec. (c) re agreement re data match system between IV-D agency and financial institution, effective July 1, 1997; P.A. 99-193 added Subsec. (d) re high-volume automated
administrative enforcement, effective June 23, 1999; P.A. 01-91 amended Subsec. (d)(3) by changing "The Support Enforcement Division" to "Support Enforcement Services"; P.A. 06-149 amended Subsec. (a) to insert Subdiv. and Subpara.
designators and make provisions of Subdivs. (2)(A) and (B) applicable to any person who is the subject of an investigation
in a IV-D support case, amended Subsec. (b)(1)(B) to reference records held by cellular mobile telephone and other wireless
telecommunications service providers, and made technical changes in Subsecs. (a) and (b); June Sp. Sess. P.A. 07-2
amended Subsec. (a)(1)(A) by adding provisions re obligation of a health insurer who is legally responsible for payment
of a health care item or service to provide information necessary to identify, determine or establish third party health
insurance coverage, and amended Subsec. (a)(1)(B) by replacing "insurance companies licensed to do business in Connecticut" with "any health insurer" and provision delineating various entities that are deemed a health insurer, by deleting "when
compatible data elements are available" re situations when a health insurer is required to conduct automated data matches,
and by providing that any health insurer may be required to allow commissioner a designee to conduct automated data
matches, effective July 1, 2007; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 07-4 amended Subsec. (a)(1)(A) by making a technical change, effective
July 1, 2007.
See Sec. 17b-745 re admissibility of evidence obtained under this section.
See Secs. 36a-42 and 36a-43 re disclosure of financial records by banks.