Sec. 16-247i. Telecommunications service and regulation status report.
Sec. 16-247i. Telecommunications service and regulation status report. (a) Not
later than January 1, 2007, and annually thereafter, the department shall submit a report
to the joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters
relating to energy and technology on the status of telecommunications service and regulation in the state of Connecticut. Such report shall include: (1) An analysis of universal
service and any changes therein; (2) an analysis of the impact, if any, of competition in
telecommunications markets on the work force of the state and employment opportunities in the telecommunications industry in the state; (3) an analysis of the level of regulation which the public interest requires; (4) the status of implementing the provisions of
sections 16-247a to 16-247c, inclusive, 16-247e to 16-247h, inclusive, 16-247k and this
section, including achieving each of the objectives of the goals set forth in section 16-247a; (5) the status of the development of competition for all telecommunications services; (6) the status of the deployment of telecommunications infrastructure in the state;
and (7) the status of the implementation of sections 16-247f and 16-247i and section 3
of public act 06-144*.
(b) In compiling the information for this report, the department shall require, among
other things, each telephone company to provide to the department annually: (1) Its
aggregate number of telephone access lines in service, not including resold lines or other
wholesale lines; (2) the annual change in such telephone company's access lines over
the preceding five years; (3) the number of active wholesale customers served by the
telephone company; (4) the nature of the wholesale services provided; (5) the number
of wholesale service requests; (6) the impact of competition on the work force of the
telephone company; (7) a general discussion of the state of the industry, industry trends,
and competitive alternatives available in the market, including, but not limited to, technological changes affecting the market; (8) the number of competitive local exchange
carriers; and (9) how long it takes the company to respond to a wholesale service request.
(P.A. 87-415, S. 6, 13; P.A. 94-83, S. 10, 16; P.A. 06-144, S. 2.)
*Note: Section 3 of public act 06-144 is special in nature and therefore has not been codified but remains in full force
and effect according to its terms.
History: P.A. 94-83 required report for 1995 and thereafter to include, rather than contain, Subdivs. (1) to (6), deleted
Subdiv. (2) re any services opened to competition, renumbered Subdiv. (3) as Subdiv. (2) and changed "workers" to "the
work force of the state and employment opportunities in the telecommunications industry in the state", deleted Subdiv.
(4) re federal tax reform and Subdiv. (5) re federal subscriber line charges, renumbered Subdiv. (6) as (3), and added new
Subdiv. (4) re implementation of Secs. 16-247a to 16-247c, 16-247e to 16-247h, this section and 16-247k, new Subdiv.
(5) re development of competition, and new Subdiv. (6) re deployment of infrastructure, effective July 1, 1994; P.A. 06-144 designated existing language as Subsec. (a) and amended same to replace "1995" with "2007", to replace "General
Assembly" with "joint standing committee of the General Assembly having cognizance of matters relating to energy and
technology", and to add new Subdiv. (7) re status of implementation of Secs. 16-247f and 16-247i and section 3 of public
act 06-144, and added Subsec. (b) re annual submission of information from each telephone company, effective July 1, 2006.