Sec. 16-245p. Information re electric supplier and electric distribution company to be provided to customers.
Sec. 16-245p. Information re electric supplier and electric distribution company to be provided to customers. (a) An electric supplier and an electric distribution
company providing standard service or back-up electric generation service, pursuant to
section 16-244c, shall submit information to the Department of Public Utility Control
that the department, after consultation with the Consumer Education Advisory Council,
established under section 16-244d, determines will assist customers in making informed
decisions when choosing an electric supplier, including, but not limited to, the information provided in subsection (b) of this section. Each supplier or electric distribution
company providing standard service or back-up electric generation service, pursuant to
section 16-244c, shall, at such times as the department requires, but not less than annually, submit in a form prescribed by the department, information that the department
must make available pursuant to subsection (b) of this section and any other information
the department considers relevant. After the department has received the information
required pursuant to this subsection, the supplier shall be eligible to receive customer
marketing information from electric or electric distribution companies, as provided in
section 16-245o.
(b) The Department of Public Utility Control shall maintain and make available to
customers upon request, a list of electric aggregators and the following information
about each electric supplier and each electric distribution company providing standard
service or back-up electric generation service, pursuant to section 16-244c: (1) Rates
and charges; (2) applicable terms and conditions of a contract for electric generation
services; (3) the percentage of the total electric output derived from each of the categories
of energy sources provided in subsection (e) of section 16-244d, the total emission rates
of nitrogen oxides, sulfur oxides, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, particulates, heavy
metals and other wastes the disposal of which is regulated under state or federal law at
the facilities operated by or under long-term contract to the electric supplier or providing
electric generation services to an electric distribution company providing standard service or back-up electric generation service, pursuant to section 16-244c, and the analysis
of the environmental characteristics of each such category of energy source prepared
pursuant to subsection (e) of said section 16-244d and to the extent such information is
unknown, the estimated percentage of the total electric output for which such information is unknown, along with the word "unknown" for that percentage; (4) a record of
customer complaints and the disposition of each complaint; and (5) any other information the department determines will assist customers in making informed decisions when
choosing an electric supplier. The department shall make available to customers the
information filed pursuant to subsection (a) of this section not later than thirty days after
its receipt. The department shall put such information in a standard format so that a
customer can readily understand and compare the services provided by each electric
(c) Each electric supplier and electric distribution company shall disclose to customers, in a manner prescribed by the department and not less than annually, such information as the department considers relevant. The department may adopt regulations, in
accordance with the provisions of chapter 54, to implement the provisions of this subsection.
(P.A. 98-28, S. 27, 117; P.A. 03-135, S. 14; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 05-1, S. 28.)
History: P.A. 98-28 effective July 1, 1998; P.A. 03-135 added language re applicability of section to electric distribution
companies providing standard service or back-up electric generation services and made conforming and technical changes
throughout and, in Subsec. (b), added "total emission", effective July 1, 2003; June Sp. Sess. P.A. 05-1 amended Subsec.
(a) to change submission deadline from quarterly to "at such times as the department requires, but not less than annually"
and rephrase language re required information, amended Subsec. (b) to replace language re quarterly updates with language
re making information available not later than 30 days after receipt, and added Subsec. (c) re disclosure of relevant information and adoption of regulations.