Sec. 16-243h. Credit to residential customers who generate electricity; metering.
Sec. 16-243h. Credit to residential customers who generate electricity; metering. On and after January 1, 2000, each electric supplier or any electric distribution
company providing standard offer, transitional standard offer, standard service or back-up electric generation service, pursuant to section 16-244c, shall give a credit for any
electricity generated by a customer from a Class I renewable energy source or a hydropower facility that has a nameplate capacity rating of two megawatts or less. The
electric distribution company providing electric distribution services to such a customer
shall make such interconnections necessary to accomplish such purpose. An electric
distribution company, at the request of any residential customer served by such company
and if necessary to implement the provisions of this section, shall provide for the installation of metering equipment that (1) measures electricity consumed by such customer
from the facilities of the electric distribution company, (2) deducts from the measurement the amount of electricity produced by the customer and not consumed by the
customer, and (3) registers, for each billing period, the net amount of electricity either (A)
consumed and produced by the customer, or (B) the net amount of electricity produced by
the customer. If, in a given monthly billing period, a customer-generator supplies more
electricity to the electric distribution system than the electric distribution company or
electric supplier delivers to the customer-generator, the electric distribution company
or electric supplier shall credit the customer-generator for the excess by reducing the
customer-generator's bill for the next monthly billing period to compensate for the
excess electricity from the customer-generator in the previous billing period at a rate
of one kilowatt-hour for one kilowatt-hour produced. The electric distribution company
or electric supplier shall carry over the credits earned from monthly billing period to
monthly billing period, and the credits shall accumulate until the end of the annualized
period. At the end of each annualized period, the electric distribution company or electric
supplier shall compensate the customer-generator for any excess kilowatt-hours generated, at the avoided cost of wholesale power. A customer who generates electricity from
a generating unit with a nameplate capacity of more than ten kilowatts of electricity
pursuant to the provisions of this section shall be assessed for the competitive transition
assessment, pursuant to section 16-245g and the systems benefits charge, pursuant to
section 16-245l, based on the amount of electricity consumed by the customer from the
facilities of the electric distribution company without netting any electricity produced
by the customer. For purposes of this section, "residential customer" means a customer
of a single-family dwelling or multifamily dwelling consisting of two to four units.
(P.A. 98-28, S. 43, 117; P.A. 03-135, S. 3; P.A. 07-242, S. 39.)
History: P.A. 98-28 effective July 1, 1998 (Revisor's note: In codifying this section, incorrect references to "section
11 of this act" and "section 16 of this act" were deemed by the Revisors to be references to "section 10" and "section 18"
and codified as section 16-245g and section 16-245l, respectively); P.A. 03-135 made technical changes, made the section
applicable to electric distribution companies providing standard offer, transitional standard offer, standard service or back-up electric generation service, and added "electricity from a generating unit with a name plate capacity of more than ten
kilowatts of", effective July 1, 2003; P.A. 07-242 deleted "residential" and applied provisions to all customers and to
facility with nameplate capacity rating of two megawatts or less, and specified that electric distribution company or electric
supplier shall credit customer-generator at rate of one kilowatt hour per each kilowatt hour produced, accumulate credits
and at the end of each annualized period compensate customer-generator for any excess kilowatt hours.