Sec. 16-229. Excavation in highway.
Sec. 16-229. Excavation in highway. Any public service company incorporated
under the provisions of the statutes or by special act for the purpose of transmitting or
distributing gas, water or electricity or for telephone purposes, desiring to open or make
any excavation in a portion of any public highway for the carrying out of any purpose
for which it may be organized other than the placing or replacing of a pole or of a curb
box, shall, if required by the authority having jurisdiction over the maintenance of such
highway, make application to such authority, which may, in writing, grant a permit for
such opening or excavation upon such terms and conditions as to the manner in which
such work shall be carried on as may be reasonable.
(1949 Rev., S. 5640; 1959, P.A. 262.)
History: 1959 act added water companies to scope of section.
Cited. 162 C. 53.