Sec. 16-19b. Purchased gas adjustment clauses, energy adjustment clauses and transmission rate adjustment clauses.
Sec. 16-19b. Purchased gas adjustment clauses, energy adjustment clauses
and transmission rate adjustment clauses. (a) No adjustment clause of any kind whatsoever shall be authorized by the Department of Public Utility Control if such a clause
operates automatically to permit charges, assessments or amendments to existing rate
schedules to be made which have not been first approved by the department.
(b) If the department finds that the changed price of purchased gas required for
distribution by a gas company substantially threatens the ability of the company to earn
a reasonable rate of return, or will cause the company to have an excessive rate of return,
the department shall, after investigation and public hearing, approve a suitable purchased
gas adjustment clause to be superimposed upon the existing rate schedule of the company. The department shall design any such purchased gas adjustment clause to allow
the gas company to charge or to reimburse the consumer only for the changes in the
cost of purchased gas which occur when the actual price of purchased gas differs from
the price reflected in the base rates of the company. The department may establish an
efficiency factor in the purchased gas adjustment clause of each gas company, which
may provide for less than one hundred per cent recovery of the gross earnings tax imposed by section 12-264 on the revenues from such purchased gas. A purchased gas
adjustment clause approved pursuant to this section shall apply to all gas companies
similarly affected by the costs which form the basis for the adjustment clause.
(c) If the department, after notice and hearing, determines that the adoption of an
energy adjustment clause would protect the interests of ratepayers of an electric company, ensure economy and efficiency in energy production and purchase by the electric
company and achieve the objectives set forth in subsection (a) of section 16-19 and in
section 16-19e better than would the continued operation of a fuel adjustment clause
and a generation utilization adjustment clause, the department shall approve an energy
adjustment clause to be superimposed upon the existing rate schedule of the electric
company. The department shall design any such energy adjustment clause to reflect
cost-efficient energy resource procurement and to recover the costs of energy that are
proper for rate-making purposes and for which the department has not authorized recovery through base rates. These costs, reflecting prudent and efficient management and
operations, may include, but are not limited to, the costs of oil, gas, coal, nuclear fuel,
wood or other fuels, and energy transactions with other utilities, nonutility generators
or power pools, all or part of the cost of conservation and load management, and the
gross earnings tax imposed by section 12-264 on the revenues from the energy sources
subject to the energy adjustment clause. The department shall design the energy adjustment clause to provide for recovery of energy costs prudently incurred by an electric
company in accordance with section 16-19e. Notwithstanding the provisions of section
16-19, the department shall change an energy adjustment clause in accordance with
the provisions of subsections (e) and (h) of this section. An energy adjustment clause
approved pursuant to this section shall apply to all electric companies similarly affected
by the costs which form the basis for the adjustment clause.
(d) The Department of Public Utility Control shall adjust the retail rate charged
by each electric distribution company for electric transmission services periodically to
recover all transmission costs prudently incurred by each electric distribution company.
The Department of Public Utility Control, after notice and hearing, shall design the retail
transmission rate to provide for recovery of all Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
approved transmission costs, rates, tariffs and charges and of other transmission costs
prudently incurred by an electric distribution company in accordance with section 16-19e. Notwithstanding the provisions of section 16-19, the department shall adjust the
retail transmission rate in accordance with the provisions of subsections (e) and (h) of
this section. A transmission rate adjustment clause approved pursuant to this section
shall apply to all electric distribution companies similarly affected by transmission costs.
The department's authority to review the prudence of costs shall not apply to any matter
over which any agency, department or instrumentality of the federal government has
exclusive jurisdiction, or has jurisdiction concurrent with that of the state and has exercised such jurisdiction to the exclusion of regulation of such matter by the state.
(e) No proposed purchased gas adjustment, energy adjustment charge or credit or
transmission rate shall become effective until the Department of Public Utility Control
has approved such charges or credits pursuant to an administrative proceeding. Such
an administrative proceeding shall be open to the public and shall be convened within
ten days of the filing of an application by an electric or gas company requesting such a
proceeding. Notice of such application and proceeding shall be published at least five
days prior to such proceeding in a newspaper of general circulation in the area served
by such company. The department shall receive and consider comments of interested
persons and members of the public at such a proceeding, which shall not be considered
a contested case for purposes of title 4, this title or any regulation adopted thereunder.
Any approval or denial of the department pursuant to this subsection shall not be deemed
an order, authorization or decision of the department for purposes of section 16-35.
After notice and hearing, the department shall adopt regulations, in accordance with
chapter 54, which shall include the requirements of the filing to support the requested
charge or credit. Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, in the event that the
department has not rendered an approval or denial concerning any such application
within five days of the day the administrative proceeding shall have been convened, the
proposed charges or credits (1) shall become effective at the option of the company
pending the department's finding with respect to such charges, or (2) in the discretion
of the department, may become effective upon the filing by the company with the department of an assurance. Such assurance may include a bond with surety, and shall satisfy
the department of the company's ability and willingness to refund to its customers any
such amounts as the company may collect from them in excess of the charges approved
by the department in its finding.
(f) Each company subject to a purchased gas adjustment clause or an energy adjustment clause shall disclose in its customer bills the per unit rate of the charges or credits
made under the clause and the actual amount thereof in dollars and cents.
(g) The department shall not suspend or discontinue a purchased gas adjustment
clause or an energy adjustment clause which it has approved except (1) after general
rate hearings for the companies affected by the clause, and (2) upon a finding by the
Department of Public Utility Control that the market prices of purchased gas or the costs
of energy have stabilized and are likely to remain stable.
(h) The Department of Public Utility Control shall continually monitor and oversee
the application of the purchased gas adjustment clause, the energy adjustment clause,
and the transmission rate adjustment clause. The department shall hold a public hearing
thereon whenever the department deems it necessary, but no less frequently than once
every six months, and undertake such other proceeding thereon to determine whether
charges or credits made under such clauses reflect the actual prices paid for purchased
gas or energy and the actual transmission costs and are computed in accordance with
the applicable clause. If the department finds that such charges or credits do not reflect
the actual prices paid for purchased gas or energy, and the actual transmission costs or
are not computed in accordance with the applicable clause, it shall recompute such
charges or credits and shall direct the company to take such action as may be required
to insure that such charges or credits properly reflect the actual prices paid for purchased
gas or energy and the actual transmission costs and are computed in accordance with
the applicable clause for the applicable period.
(i) The department shall establish procedures conforming to the requirements of
this section after notice and opportunity for a public hearing.
(j) Any purchased gas adjustment clause or energy adjustment clause approved by
the department may include a provision designed to allow the electric or gas company
to charge or reimburse the customer for any under-recovery or over-recovery of overhead and fixed costs due solely to the deviation of actual retail sales of electricity or
gas from projected retail sales of electricity or gas. The department shall include such
provision in any energy adjustment clause approved for an electric company if it determines (1) that a significant cause of excess earnings by the electric company is an
increase in actual retail sales of electricity over projected retail sales of electricity as
determined at the time of the electric company's most recent rate amendment, and (2)
that such provision is likely to benefit the customers of the electric company.
(k) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, an approved fossil fuel adjustment clause or generation utilization adjustment clause in effect for an electric company
on July 1, 1995, shall remain in effect in its form and method of operation as of said
date until the department has approved an energy adjustment clause for the company
and the approved energy adjustment clause is in effect.
(l) Notwithstanding the provisions of this section, upon the application of any gas
company, the department may modify, suspend or discontinue a purchased gas adjustment clause for one or more gas companies if the department determines that as part of
an overall performance-based rate plan, such modification, suspension or discontinuance will ensure safety and reliability, will provide substantial financial benefits to
ratepayers at least equal to those provided to the gas company and will lower the rates
below what they would be without such modification, suspension or discontinuance, as
determined by the department.
(P.A. 74-216, S. 4, 8; P.A. 75-486, S. 10, 69; P.A. 77-614, S. 162, 610; P.A. 78-370; P.A. 80-482, S. 57, 348; P.A. 82-150, S. 4; P.A. 83-97; P.A. 84-105; P.A. 85-233, S. 1, 2; P.A. 87-331, S. 2, 4; P.A. 90-221, S. 3, 15; P.A. 95-43, S. 1, 2;
P.A. 00-221, S. 2; P.A. 05-210, S. 30; P.A. 06-196, S. 229.)
History: P.A. 75-486 replaced public utilities commission with public utilities control authority and essentially rewrote
provisions, expanding and clarifying them greatly; P.A. 77-614 replaced authority with division of public utility control
within the department of business regulation, effective January 1, 1979; P.A. 78-370 amended Subsec. (a) to exclude gross
earnings tax from consideration as part of cost of fossil fuel or purchased gas; P.A. 80-482 made division an independent
department and deleted reference to abolished department of business regulation; P.A. 82-150 deleted obsolete provisions
in Subsec. (h) continuing adjustment clauses in effect prior to December 1, 1975, until superseded and repealed Subsec.
(i) prohibiting adjustments from August 1, 1975, to December 1, 1975, unless approved after administrative proceeding,
the procedure for which was set out in detail; P.A. 83-97 added Subsec. (i), authorizing provision re under-recovery or
over- recovery of overhead and fixed costs; P.A. 84-105 amended Subsec. (a) to delete provision prohibiting gross earnings
tax from being included in cost of purchased gas and added Subdiv. (2), authorizing establishment of efficiency factor in
purchased gas adjustment clause; P.A. 85-233 added Subsec. (j) re inclusion of a provision on fossil fuel adjustment
clause re cogeneration technology, renewable fuel resources or solid waste; P.A. 87-331 amended Subsec. (i) by adding
requirements for annual public hearing and mandatory inclusion of provision re over-recovery of overhead and fixed costs
in fossil fuel adjustment clause approved for electric companies; P.A. 90-221 deleted provision in Subsec. (i) requiring
the department to hold an annual public hearing as to whether the department should include in the fossil fuel adjustment
clause a provision concerning the deviation of actual retail sales to electricity or gas from the actual retail sales; P.A. 95-43 divided Subsec. (a) into Subsecs. (a) and (b), deleted provisions re fossil fuel adjustment clause, added new Subsec.
(c) and references re energy adjustment clause, relettered Subsecs. (c) to (f) as (d) to (g), amended new Subsec. (d) by
adding references to credits and changing the required content of regulations from monthly filings with the department
and the office of the Governor to "the requirements of the filing to support the requested charge or credit" and deleted
provision re explanation if no decision in five-day period, amended Subsec. (g) by extending frequency of hearings from
every three to every six months, deleted former Subsec. (g) re rate of return and former Subsec. (j) re recovery of costs
from customers and added new Subsec. (j) re clauses in effect July 1, 1995, effective July 1, 1995; P.A. 00-221 added
Subsec. (k) re modification, suspension or discontinuance of purchased gas adjustment clause; P.A. 05-210 made technical
changes in Subsec. (c), added new Subsec. (d) re adjustment of retail rate to recover prudently incurred transmission
costs, redesignated existing Subsecs. (d) to (k), inclusive, as Subsecs. (e) to (l), inclusive, amended Subsec. (e) to add "or
transmission rate", and amended Subsec. (h) to allow the department to monitor and oversee the transmission rate adjustment
clause and to add "and the actual transmission costs", effective July 6, 2005; P.A. 06-196 made a technical change in
Subsec. (d), effective June 7, 2006.
Cited. 216 C. 627.
Subsec. (a):
Cited. 183 C. 128.
Cited. 40 CS 520.
Subsec. (c):
Statute creates a "relative" rather than an "intrinsic" standard and legislature intended that the phrase "better than would
the continued operation of a fuel adjustment clause and a generation utilization adjustment clause" modify each of the three
preceding clauses including the first clause relating to protecting ratepayer interests. Prudently incurred costs attributable to
management decisions may be recovered through interim rate adjustments. 246 C. 18.