Sec. 15-88. Airport zoning. Definitions.
Sec. 15-88. Airport zoning. Definitions. As used in sections 15-88 to 15-97, inclusive, unless the context otherwise requires:
(a) "Airport" means any area of land or water designed for the landing and taking-off of aircraft and utilized or to be utilized by the public as a point of arrival or departure
by air navigation.
(b) "Airport hazard" means any structure or tree which obstructs or may hereafter
obstruct the aerial approaches of a publicly-owned airport.
(c) An airport is "publicly-owned" if the portion thereof used for the landing and
taking-off of aircraft is owned or operated by a governmental body, political subdivision,
public agency or other public corporation.
(d) "Structure" means any object constructed or installed by man, including such
objects although regulated or licensed by other provisions of law.
(e) "Tree" means any object of natural growth.
(1953, S. 2413d.)
Cited. 185 C. 145.