Sec. 15-72. Flying carelessly, negligently or recklessly.
Sec. 15-72. Flying carelessly, negligently or recklessly. No person shall operate
any aircraft carelessly, negligently or recklessly, or in such a manner as to endanger the
property, life or limb of any person, having regard to the proximity of other aircraft,
weather conditions, field conditions and, while in flight, the territory flown over.
(1949 Rev., S. 4815; 1959, P.A. 299.)
History: 1959 act added careless and negligent operation to prohibited acts and consideration of the proximity of other
aircraft to items for which regard is to be had.
See Sec. 15-34(10) for definition of "careless, negligent or reckless operation".
See Sec. 15-77 re operation of aircraft or carrying passengers while under the influence of liquor or drugs.