Sec. 15-26a. Five Mile River Commission. Harbor superintendent.
Sec. 15-26a. Five Mile River Commission. Harbor superintendent. (a) There
shall be a Five Mile River Commission consisting of two electors from each of the towns
of Norwalk and Darien. Each such member shall be appointed by the Governor from a
list of nominees to be submitted by the legislative body of each such town or by the
board of selectmen in the case of a town in which the legislative body is a town meeting.
Members shall serve for a term of four years from the date of his appointment and until
his successor has been appointed and qualified. Such members shall not be compensated
for their services as such but shall be reimbursed for all necessary expenses.
(b) The Five Mile River Commission shall have regulatory jurisdiction over the use
of said river. Said commission shall concern itself with the navigation, pollution and
conservation of said river and its drainage basin. It shall be the responsibility of said
commission to bring to the attention of the appropriate federal, state or local authorities
any and all violations of federal, state or local law brought to its notice which in any
way affects said river. In addition said commission shall propose for ratification by the
legislative bodies of the towns of Norwalk and Darien such regulations and procedures
as it deems necessary for the control of moorings and for safe and orderly navigation.
The commission may, with the consent of said legislative bodies apply to the appropriate
federal authority for the designation of the Five Mile River estuary as a "special anchorage area".
(c) The Five Mile River Commission shall appoint by majority vote a harbor superintendent. Said superintendent shall serve at the commission's pleasure and shall, subject
to the approval of the commission, receive an annual salary established and paid by the
member towns. He shall have such authority as the commission may delegate.
(d) Said commission may contract for the services of such professional and clerical
personnel as is necessary to carry out the purposes of this section.
(e) The town of New Canaan, upon majority vote by its legislative body, may, at
any time, become a member of the Five Mile River Commission, in which event two
electors of said town shall be appointed to the commission as provided in subsection
(a) of this section.
(1971, P.A. 805, S. 1-4; 1972, P.A. 277, S. 2, 3; P.A. 94-59, S. 3.)
History: 1972 act removed members from New Canaan from commission in Subsec. (a) and added Subsec. (e) re terms
upon which New Canaan shall become member; P.A. 94-59 added provision that appointments shall be made by the board
of selectmen in the case of a town in which the legislative body is a town meeting.