Sec. 15-12. Obstructions upon lands bordering navigable waters.

      Sec. 15-12. Obstructions upon lands bordering navigable waters. The selectmen of any town bordering upon navigable waters shall cause to be removed all obstructions and structures from the shores, beaches or other land in such town, adjacent to such waters, to which shores, beaches or other land the public has the right of access or which the public has been accustomed to use, occupy or enjoy, unless such obstruction or structure has been erected or maintained by, or by the express or implied permission of, the person having title to the land on which it has been so erected or maintained or having a legal right to erect and maintain it thereon; and such selectmen may, in the name of the town, have equitable relief by way of injunction against any person who, without legal right, interferes with the use and enjoyment of such shores, beaches and lands by the public or attempts to exercise any exclusive possession or use of any part thereof.

      (1949 Rev., S. 4756.)