Sec. 14-277. Operator's duties on stopping bus. Prohibition on idling of bus.
Sec. 14-277. Operator's duties on stopping bus. Prohibition on idling of bus.
(a) Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) to (c), inclusive, of section 14-242, the operator of any school bus, when about to bring his bus to a stop to receive or
discharge passengers, shall signal his intention to do so by causing the flashing signal
lights to be displayed for not less than fifty feet before he brings the bus to a stop so as
to be clearly visible to the operator of any oncoming or overtaking vehicle or motor
vehicle, except that the operator of any school bus equipped with amber flashing signal
lights shall signal such intention by causing the amber flashing signal lights to be displayed for not less than one hundred feet before he brings the bus to a stop. The operator
of any school bus, having brought his vehicle to a stop, shall not open the door to receive
or discharge passengers until all vehicles approaching from the front and overtaking
from the rear have stopped in compliance with the indicated signal to stop. The operator
of any school bus equipped with amber flashing signal lights and a stop semaphore,
having brought his vehicle to a stop, shall cause the red flashing signal lights to be
displayed and the stop semaphore to be extended and shall not open the door until
all vehicles approaching from the front and overtaking from the rear have stopped in
compliance with the indicated signal to stop. After all passengers are safely aboard or
discharged and safely off the highway, the operator shall extinguish the stop lights and
the operator of any school bus equipped with a stop semaphore shall withdraw the stop
semaphore. He may then permit all standing traffic to pass before resuming forward
progress. While such school bus is in motion the doors shall remain closed at all times
and all passengers shall be required to remain seated. No operator of any school bus
shall stop his vehicle on the main traveled portion of the highway to receive or discharge
passengers when existing highway shoulders or adequate highway width is available
or where curbs, bus stops or special facilities exist. No such operator may receive or
discharge any passenger on a highway with separate roadways unless (1) a boarding
passenger may reach the bus stop and a discharged passenger may reach his residence
or other destination without crossing such highway, or (2) he stops the bus at a location
having a traffic control signal or crossing guard.
(b) The operator of any school bus shall not operate the engine of any school bus
for more than three consecutive minutes when the school bus is not in motion except
(1) when the school bus is forced to remain motionless because of traffic conditions or
mechanical difficulties over which the operator has no control, (2) when it is necessary
to operate heating, cooling or auxiliary equipment installed on the school bus when such
equipment is necessary to accomplish the intended use of the school bus, including, but
not limited to, the operation of safety equipment, (3) when the outdoor temperature is
below twenty degrees Fahrenheit, (4) when it is necessary to maintain a safe temperature
for students with special needs, (5) when the school bus is being repaired, or (6) when
the operator is in the process of receiving or discharging passengers on a public highway
or public road.
(c) Any person who violates any provision of this section shall, for a first offense,
be deemed to have committed an infraction and for each subsequent offense shall be
fined not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars.
(1955, S. 1321d; 1963, P.A. 642, S. 12; 1971, P.A. 467, S. 1; P.A. 82-223, S. 23; P.A. 83-577, S. 28; P.A. 84-18, S. 2,
3; P.A. 85-212; P.A. 96-167, S. 39; P.A. 02-56, S. 1.)
History: 1963 act deleted references to use of stop signs in lieu of signals; 1971 act required use of "flashing" signal
lights "for not less than 50 feet before he brings the bus to a stop" by bus driver rather than requiring that driver "immediately"
signal intention to stop; P.A. 82-223 specified the penalties for a first and subsequent violation of the section; P.A. 83-577
deleted provision specifying the fine for an infraction is not less than $25 nor more than $90; P.A. 84-18 specified operator's
duties re stopping a bus equipped with amber flashing signal lights and a stop semaphore; P.A. 85-212 specified operator's
duties re receipt and discharge of passengers on highways with separate roadways; P.A. 96-167 added phrase "Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) to (c), inclusive, of section 14-242,"; P.A. 02-56 designated existing provisions
re stopping a school bus as Subsec. (a), making a technical change therein, added Subsec. (b) to prohibit the idling of a
school bus for more than three consecutive minutes with certain exceptions and designated existing provisions re penalties
as Subsec. (c).
See Sec. 14-107 re liability of owner, operator or lessee of vehicle.
See Sec. 14-281d re permitted locations for boarding and discharge of school children.
Evidences legislative intent to create a safety zone for children alighting from a school bus. Defendant satisfied duty
of care by complying with statute. 180 C. 302.