Sec. 14-162. Ordinances.
Sec. 14-162. Ordinances. No town, city or borough, nor any board or officer
thereof, shall make any ordinance respecting the regulation, use, lighting or other equipment of motor vehicles, or respecting the use of equipment or accessories upon the same;
but any ordinance in force in any town, city or borough in respect to maintaining public
service vehicles in a sanitary condition shall remain in force, and authority given to any
town, city or borough, or to any board or officer thereof, to regulate shows, processions,
assemblages, traffic or parades in streets and public places and to regulate the use of
public parks, and ordinances enacted in pursuance of such authority, shall remain in
force, and authorities of any town, city or borough shall have power to establish and
enforce ordinances fixing traffic routes and public stands for public service vehicles
and traffic rules for all vehicles.
(1949 Rev., S. 2485; 1957, P.A. 13, S. 74.)
A city ordinance requiring a license fee and a special bond from motor buses held illegal. 91 C. 239. Cited. 109 C. 341.
The state delegated to its municipalities under section 7-148 the power to make traffic rules applying to all vehicles alike,
but retained the special power to regulate motor vehicles with the specific exceptions noted in this section. 125 C. 501;
135 C. 71. City ordinance allowing towing of cars illegally parked held constitutional. 145 C. 141. Cited. 181 C. 114.
Cited. 8 CS 449.