Sec. 14-112. Proof of financial responsibility.
Sec. 14-112. Proof of financial responsibility. (a) When commissioner shall
require. To entitle any person to receive or retain a motor vehicle operator's license or
a certificate of registration of any motor vehicle when, in the opinion of the commissioner, such person has a record on file with the commissioner which is sufficient, in
the opinion of the commissioner, to require evidence of financial responsibility for the
reasonable protection of other persons, the commissioner shall require from such person
proof of financial responsibility to satisfy any claim for damages by reason of personal
injury to, or the death of, any one person, of twenty thousand dollars, or by reason of
personal injury to, or the death of, more than one person on account of any accident, of
at least forty thousand dollars, and for damage to property of at least ten thousand dollars.
When the commissioner requires proof of financial responsibility from an operator or
owner of any motor vehicle, he may require proof in the amounts herein specified for
each vehicle operated or owned by such person. If any person fails to furnish such proof,
the commissioner shall, until such proof is furnished, suspend or revoke the license of
such person to operate a motor vehicle or refuse to return any license which has been
suspended or revoked in accordance with the provisions of section 14-111 or suspend
or revoke the registration of any such motor vehicle or vehicles or refuse thereafter to
register any motor vehicle owned by such person or refuse to register any motor vehicle
transferred by him if it does not appear to the commissioner's satisfaction that such
transfer is a bona fide sale, or, if such person is not a resident of this state, withdraw
from such person the privilege of operating any motor vehicle in this state and the
privilege of operation within this state of any motor vehicle owned by him. Prior to such
suspension, revocation or withdrawal, notice thereof shall be given by the commissioner
by a notice forwarded by bulk certified mail to the address of such person as shown by
the records of the commissioner. No appeal taken from the judgment of any court shall
act as a stay to any action of the commissioner authorized by the provisions of this
(b) Certificate of insurance; bond; collateral. Such proof of financial responsibility shall be furnished as is satisfactory to the commissioner and may be evidence of the
insuring of the named insured or resident relative of the named insured against loss on
account of his legal liability for injury to or the death of persons and damage to property
in the respective amounts provided by this section in the form of a certificate signed by
any person authorized in writing by an officer of any company authorized to issue such
insurance in this state or any agent of such company licensed under the provisions of
section 38a-769, showing that a policy of insurance in such amounts, noncancellable
except after ten days' written notice to the commissioner, has been issued to the person
furnishing such proof and no insurance company or insurance agent shall refuse to make
such filing of evidence of insurance during the time such insurance company has a valid
policy in force covering the named insured or resident relative of the named insured
and such company may charge a fee not to exceed ten dollars for such filing; or such
proof may be the bond of a surety company or a bond with individual surety owning
real estate, which bond shall be conditioned for the payment of such amounts and shall
not be cancellable except after ten days' written notice to the commissioner. Such bond
shall constitute a lien in favor of the state upon the real estate of any surety, which lien
shall exist in favor of any holder of a judgment on account of damage caused by the
operation of such person's motor vehicle, upon the filing of notice to that effect by the
commissioner in the town clerk's office in the town where such real estate is located.
Such proof of financial responsibility may also be evidence presented to the commissioner of a deposit by such person with the State Treasurer of a sum of money or collateral, the amount of which money or collateral shall be determined by and shall be satisfactory to the commissioner. The State Treasurer shall accept any such deposit and issue
a receipt therefor, and, if such deposit is a sum of money, the state shall pay interest
thereon if so directed by the Secretary of the Office of Policy and Management at a rate
not greater than the amount received by the state. The Treasurer may deposit any money
so received in any incorporated savings bank located in this state. Whenever any agent
of an insurance company certifies to evidence of the insuring of any person, from whom
proof of financial responsibility has been required, by the company for which such agent
is authorized to solicit, negotiate or effect contracts of insurance, such company shall
notify the commissioner of the cancellation or termination of the policy referred to
in such certificate at least ten days before the effective date of such cancellation or
termination, provided such notice shall not be required if such policy is renewed by
such company, and provided a policy subsequently procured and referred to in a certificate filed with the commissioner shall, on the effective date of such policy, terminate
the policy referred to in any certificate previously filed with respect to any motor vehicles
designated in both certificates or, in case of an operator's policy, with respect to any
operator designated in both certificates. Additional evidence of financial responsibility
shall be furnished the commissioner at any time upon his request therefor.
(c) Satisfaction of execution. Notice of suit. Such bond, money or collateral shall
be held by the commissioner or Treasurer, as the case may be, to satisfy any execution
issued against such person in any cause arising out of damage caused by the operation
of any motor vehicle owned or operated by such person. Money or collateral so deposited
shall not be subject to attachment or execution unless such attachment or execution
arises out of an action for damages, including personal injury or death, as a result of the
operation of any motor vehicle. Any person who furnishes proof of financial responsibility by a deposit of money or collateral shall, upon the service of any writ or summons
arising out of any action for damages including personal injury or death caused by the
operation of any motor vehicle, give written notice of such service to the commissioner,
who shall require that additional evidence of financial responsibility be furnished to
satisfy any judgment in any other action. If a judgment rendered against the principal
on a surety or real estate bond is not satisfied within thirty days after its rendition, the
judgment creditor may, for his own use and benefit and at his sole expense, bring an
action in the name of the state against the company or person executing such bond. A
reasonable sum, not exceeding ten dollars, shall be charged for such investigation of
the title of any surety's real estate or of collateral so deposited and of the value of the
same and for the filing fee to be paid to the town clerk.
(d) Abstract of operator's record. Repealed by P.A. 73-549, S. 2, 4.
(e) Information to be furnished injured person. The commissioner shall furnish
any person who may have been injured in person or property by any motor vehicle,
upon written request, with such information as has been furnished to him as evidence
of the financial responsibility of any operator or owner of any motor vehicle.
(f) Penalty for failure to return license and registration. Any operator or any
registrant whose operator's license or certificate of registration has been suspended as
herein provided or whose policy of liability insurance or surety bond has been cancelled
or who fails to furnish additional evidence of financial responsibility upon request of
the commissioner, shall immediately return to the commissioner his operator's license
or certificate of registration and the number plate or plates issued thereunder. If any
person fails to return to the commissioner the operator's license or certificate of registration and the number plate or plates issued thereunder as provided herein, the commissioner shall forthwith direct any motor vehicle inspector, state policeman or other police
officer to secure possession thereof and to return the same to the office of the commissioner. Failure to return such operator's license or such certificate and such number
plate or plates shall be an infraction.
(g) Cancellation of bond. Return of collateral. The commissioner may cancel
such bond or return such evidence of financial responsibility or the Treasurer may, with
the consent of the commissioner, return such money or collateral to the person furnishing
the same, provided one year shall have elapsed from the date of the suspension of such
license during which period such person has not, in the opinion of the commissioner,
violated any provision of the motor vehicle laws referred to in subsection (a) of this
section. The commissioner may direct the return of any money or collateral to the person
who furnished the same upon the acceptance and substitution of other evidence of financial responsibility or at any time after one year from the expiration of any registration
or license issued to such person.
(h) Forging evidence of financial responsibility. Any person who forges or, without authority, signs any evidence of financial responsibility required by the commissioner in the administration of this section shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars
or imprisoned not more than thirty days or both.
(i) Removal of financial responsibility requirement. Any person from whom
proof of financial responsibility has been required may, at the end of twelve months,
apply to the commissioner for removal of such requirements in a manner as determined
by the commissioner. The commissioner or his authorized representative may make
such further investigation as may be deemed necessary and, upon being satisfied that
such applicant is entitled to such elimination of financial requirements, may eliminate
the same.
(j) When commissioner may require proof of financial responsibility. To entitle
any person to receive or retain a motor vehicle operator's license or a certificate of
registration of any motor vehicle when, in the opinion of the commissioner, such person
has violated any of the provisions of the following-named sections and subsections:
Section 14-44, section 14-80h or 14-80i, sections 14-110, 14-147, 14-217, 14-219, sections 14-228, 14-275 to 14-281, inclusive, or subdivision (1) of subsection (a) of section
53a-123 or any similar provision of the laws of any other state or any territory, or who
has been convicted of, or has forfeited any bond taken for appearance for, or has received
a suspended judgment or sentence for, a violation of any of said provisions, or a violation
of any of the provisions of sections 14-230 to 14-247, inclusive, and 38a-371, within a
twelve-month period following a violation of any of said sections, the commissioner
may require from such person proof of financial responsibility to satisfy any claim for
damages by reason of personal injury to, or the death of, any one person, of twenty
thousand dollars, or by reason of personal injury to, or the death of, more than one person
on account of any accident, of at least forty thousand dollars, and for damage to property
of at least ten thousand dollars. When the commissioner requires proof of financial
responsibility from an operator or owner of any motor vehicle, he may require proof in
the amounts herein specified for each vehicle operated or owned by such person. If any
person fails to furnish such proof, the commissioner shall, until such proof is furnished,
suspend or revoke the license of such person to operate a motor vehicle or refuse to return
any license which has been suspended or revoked in accordance with the provisions of
section 14-111 or suspend or revoke the registration of any such motor vehicle or vehicles
or refuse thereafter to register any motor vehicle owned by such person or refuse to
register any motor vehicle transferred by him if it does not appear to the commissioner's
satisfaction that such transfer is a bona fide sale, or, if such person is not a resident of
this state, withdraw from such person the privilege of operating any motor vehicle in
this state and the privilege of operation within this state of any motor vehicle owned by
him. Prior to such suspension, revocation or withdrawal, notice thereof shall be given
by the commissioner by a notice forwarded by bulk certified mail to the address of such
person as shown by the records of the commissioner. No appeal taken from the judgment
of any court shall act as a stay to any action of the commissioner authorized by the
provisions of this section.
(1949 Rev., S. 2457; 1949, 1951, S. 1347d; 1951, 1953, S. 1348d; 1951, S. 1349d; 1957, P.A. 612, S. 4; 1959, P.A.
353; 629; February, 1965, P.A. 574, S. 18; 1967, P.A. 213, S. 1; 1969, P.A. 322; 490, S. 1; 1971, P.A. 386; 487, S. 2; 790;
871, S. 87; 1972, P.A. 273, S. 32; P.A. 73-139, S. 1, 2; 73-549, S. 2, 4; P.A. 74-338, S. 54, 94; P.A. 75-306, S. 1, 2; 75-577, S. 63, 126; P.A. 77-358, S. 1, 2; 77-614, S. 19, 610; P.A. 80-466, S. 19-21, 25; P.A. 81-172, S. 9, 10; 81-472, S. 21,
22, 159; P.A. 82-472, S. 42, 43, 183; P.A. 83-98, S. 1, 2, 4; 83-244; P.A. 84-429, S. 63; P.A. 88-27, S. 3; P.A. 92-12, S.
110; P.A. 96-180, S. 150, 166; P.A. 04-199, S. 1.)
History: 1959 acts added provision in Subsec. (a) allowing waiver by commissioner where violation was of Sec. 14-224 and there was no personal injury or property damage of $100 or more and amended the sixth sentence of Subsec. (b)
by changing "expiration" of policy to "cancellation or termination" and adding provisos at end; 1965 act deleted reference
to repealed statute and added reference to Subsec. (a) of Sec. 14-227a in Subsec. (a); 1967 act increased property damage
limitation from $1,000 to $5,000 and allowed waiver if property damage under $200, rather than $100 in Subsec. (a); 1969
acts required prior notice of suspension, revocation or withdrawal in Subsec. (a) and raised fee for certificate in Subsec.
(d) from $2 to $3; 1971 acts amended Subsec. (b) to forbid insurance company's refusal to file evidence of insurance and
allowed company to charge up to $10 for filing, amended Subsec. (a) to make $20,000 liability for personal injury or death
applicable to one person and to raise liability for more than one from $20,000 to $40,000, to allow waiver of requirements
for violations of Sec. 14-217 or 14-228 and to replace reference to Sec. 53-57 with reference to Sec. 53a-123(a)(1); 1972
act included references to Sec. 38-327 in Subsec. (a); P.A. 73-139 amended Subsec. (b) to allow evidence of insurance to
be signed by insurance agents; P.A. 73-549 repealed Subsec. (d); P.A. 74-338 removed from provisions of Subsec. (a)
applicability with respect to persons who have cases nolled upon payment of sum of money; P.A. 75-306 amended Subsec.
(a) to allow waiver of requirements when property damage less than $400, rather than $200; P.A. 75-577 replaced former
provisions re fine in Subsec. (f) with statement that failure to return license or registration and plates is an infraction; P.A.
77-358 amended Subsec. (g) to allow cancellation of bond and refund money after one year rather than three and made
provisions in Subsec. (i) more general in nature; P.A. 77-614 replaced commissioner of finance and control with secretary
of the office of policy and management; P.A. 80-466 amended Subsec. (a) by updating section references, amended Subsec.
(f) by including reference to single number plate and added Subsec. (j); P.A. 81-172 permitted notices to be sent by bulk
certified mail, rather than by "registered or certified" mail; P.A. 81-472 and P.A. 82-472 made technical corrections; P.A.
83-98 amended Subsec. (a) to increase the minimum requirement for property damage coverage from $5,000 to $10,000
and amended Subsec. (j) to increase the minimum requirement for property damage coverage from $5,000 to $10,000;
P.A. 83-244 amended Subsec. (b) by subjecting a resident relative of the named insured to the provisions of this subsection;
P.A. 84-429 made technical changes for statutory consistency; P.A. 88-27 amended Subsec. (a) to allow waiver of requirements when property damage is less than $1,000, rather than $400; P.A. 92-12 made a technical change in Subsec. (b);
P.A. 96-180 amended Subsec. (b) to eliminate authority of Treasurer to invest money received in manner provided in
Subsec. (b) of repealed Sec. 36-96 and to make a technical change, effective June 3, 1996; P.A. 04-199 amended Subsec.
(a) to delete references to specific violations for which person shall be required to provide evidence of financial responsibility
and to eliminate provision re waiver of requirements of subsection for violations of Sec. 14-222 or 14-224 where no
personal injury and property damage is less than $1,000, effective July 1, 2004.
See chapter 881b re infractions of the law.
Cited. 140 C. 304. Cited. 153 C. 633, 647 (fn 2). Cited. 161 C. 169. Mere violation does not create liability. Id., 388.
Cited. 169 C. 267. Cited. 171 C. 255. Cited (Diss. Op.). 187 C. 386. Cited. 203 C. 305. Cited. 205 C. 178. Cited. 211 C.
640. Cited. 212 C. 652. Cited. 229 C. 824.
Cited. 28 CA 145. Cited. 31 CA 797. Cited. 36 CA 713. Cited. 45 CA 630. Cited. 46 CA 313.
Cited. 5 CS 341. Suspension continues until proof of financial ability is produced. 16 CS 180. Taxicab driver, whose
license has been revoked for failure to prove financial responsibility, cannot collect unemployment compensation. 19 CS
364. Cited. 36 CS 561.
Where a minor's vehicle is registered in the name of the father for the purpose of evading financial responsibility, the
registered owner of the vehicle is estopped to deny not only ownership of the vehicle but also that the minor-owner was
acting in furtherance of the business of the father when the tort occurred. 3 Conn. Cir. Ct. 591, 598. Cited. 5 Conn. Cir.
Ct. 162.
Subsec. (a):
Cited. 165 C. 466. Minimum uninsured motorist coverage for damages by reason of personal injury or death. 171 C.
443. Cited. Id., 463. Cited (Diss. Op.). 189 C. 449. Cited. 215 C. 399. Cited. 222 C. 631; Id., 657. Cited. 226 C. 427.
Cited. 44 CS 59.
Subsec. (b):
Provisions of subsection do not exclude other forms of security. 143 C. 202.